
Nov 29, 2010 16:39

This is a slightly belated Thanksgiving fic as you can probably guess from the title. I warn you this is pure crack, written after digesting way too many slices of pie.  As always a big thanks to wandering_tyki for the beta. Please enjoy...or face palm, whatever you think this deserves.

Gwendal Von Voltaire was probably the strangest pilgrim anyone had ever seen, if anyone in Shin Makoku had ever seen an European pilgrim that is.   It didn’t help that his clothes were made out of the usual green of his uniform, since only the Maou wore black.  He wouldn’t be wearing the ridiculous outfit at all if Gunter hadn’t stolen away his normal clothing while he was in the bath.  He had no choice but to put on the strange outfit in order to leave the baths and track down the man who had stolen his uniform.
            As he stalked down the hall soldiers and maids scattered before him only meekly pointing in answer to his growled question.  Word got around fast and soon he didn’t even have to ask, they just pointed the way to Lord Von Christ.  Gwendal’s search ended at the main dining room. Tossing open the double doors without waiting for someone to open them, the angry general strode into the room. A sea of the usual faces turned in his direction.
            They were all dressed as oddly as he in their strange clothes made in the same colors they usually wore.  All the men were in long socks and short pants and the women were in long dresses with white bonnets and aprons.  Yozak being the male exception in a dress of course and Gwendal’s mother apparently refused to button her high collar.  They all looked incredibly confused.
            Standing by an overloaded table, dressed the same as everyone else, stood the mastermind behind the madness beaming proudly.  “Gwendal! Finally everyone is here and we can begin!”
            “Gunter, what is the meaning of this?!”  The general demanded before the advisor could start some long winded speech.  Everyone else in the room turned to the man in white as well, also awaiting an explanation.
            “I decided we should have a traditional Thanksgiving feast!”  The man exclaimed excitedly.
            Gwendal frowned.  He knew allowing Gunter that book of Earth holidays and traditions was a bad idea. “A what?”
            “A Thanksgiving feast! Though the kitchens had to make some adjustments to the menu because of the differences between the foods here and on Earth, I thought Yuuri Heika would enjoy celebrating one of his Earth holidays here since it must be difficult being away from his family during their holidays.  Thanksgiving is the time when friends and family gather together to give thanks for all of the good things that have happened throughout the year and for each other.”  The advisor explained.
            “And for that you have us dress like this?”  The general inquired gesturing toward his own attire.
            “Yes. These are traditional costumes worn during the very first Thanksgiving, though there were others I deemed these the most appropriate.” Gunter answered with just a tiny blush.   (In truth, just the thought of Gwendal or Yuuri walking around in nothing but buckskin breeches had given him such a nosebleed he didn’t think he would be able to handle the real thing.)
            Gwendal grunted but before he could say anything else the Maou stepped forward.  “Um, Gunter?”  The double black began, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but, well, we don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving in Japan.  That’s more of an American thing.”
            The advisor's smiling face fell. “Oh. I see.  I am sorry, Heika, I didn’t think to cross reference the holiday with geographical location.”   Yuuri felt like he had kicked a puppy.  Gwendal crossed his arms to prevent himself from hugging the crushed expression off of the annoying advisor's face.  The lavender haired beauty was fairly adorable in short silk trousers.  The pout only made it worse.
            “But I think being grateful for what we have is a good thing, so since we are all already here why don’t we give this Thanksgiving a shot?”  Yuuri announced.    Gunter immediately brightened and Gwendal felt a stab of jealousy.  When they sat down at the table he would make sure Gunter sat next to him and when this humiliating incident was over they were going to have a long talk about why Gunter was never, ever, going to steal his clothes again.

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