Feb 22, 2007 17:41
so lately I have been working a little bit more than usual, and than recently this week a lot less, I wonder how it's going to be next week. Someone I don't like very much now knows where I work which is no suprise to me because it was bound to happen anyways. This person has been there a few times since the first time I saw them. I doubt it has anything to do with me so it's ok all the same. I've been a lot more stressed lately because this one asshole manager that was bit by a spider and on leave came back recently and hasn't hesitated to be a dick to me. He was a dick before he got bit and had to leave and hes back now and still is. He just goes to town with being an douche bag to me. Well he made me cry the other night because he just wouldn't stop since I was the only one working that night. Oh well, I'll have to deal with him again tomorrow but hopfully I won't be alone. It's bad enough that I go to work and don't like it but now I have even started dreaming about being at work but that sucks since im not getting paid for it obviously...its pretty awful...well, I dunno...its money sort of....