Feb 15, 2007 07:26
valentines day shouldn't be a day that anyone hates or loathes just because they are single. I would like to be happy on valentines day but I guess whoever controls life has another plan for me. Every year I wonder if Valentines will be any better than the previous year and I can basically say that it never is. No one has ever cared enough about me to go out of their way to do something to make me feel special.... I mean no offense to anyone but my ex's and current boyfriend have done things extrordinary for their ex's so why is it that when they get with me, they don't give a shit or even try? Am I really that pathetic of a human that people stop trying when it comes to me?
so if you actually are reading this for whatever reason, it can be assumed that yesterday sucked...typically like every year, I don't even know why I am ever suprised. My current boyfriend at least made dinner for me and I appreciate that a lot because none of my ex's would have done that for me but that's not what Valentines is all about. It's about love and romance and appreciation and last night, THERE WAS NONE. Came home from a long day of work at 9 and ate, went in our room, he played with the dog all night, argued about it, and went asleep with the dog in his arms....well at least the dog got the attention I would have liked. I understand that he went through a little bit of trouble to make food and stuff so I am happy and appreciative of that since it was better than usual but as for love and affection? There wasn't any and usually isn't on that day. I think I need to lower my expectations so that if my boyfriend even talks to me that that should make my day since I don't believe it will ever get any better. I have realized that once people start dating me, they stop trying. Period. Even friends do that to me too. I just wish that for once, someone would go out of their way and do something special for just me, make a day all about me. even my birthday wasn't all about me. Nothing ever is. No effort is ever made for me. The only person that I could truthfully say makes a full and complete effort for me is my mother..... I know I'm nothing special, but I really don't think I deserve to be treated the way I am most of the time. Well this was just another valentines day ranting, see ya later