... or my humble reaction to POI episode 2x04, "Triggerman".
Not writing a real review anymore, I don't think anyone's reading them and I guess I'm already POI-spamming my f-list enough without writing a novel about each ep. I do need to squee for a moment, however, because I'm probably going to explode otherwise, which would be a rather messy and unpleasant thing. ;D
This show just keeps killing me, and I LOVE it. I loved every minute of this ep, even if I died at least five times.
[Spoiler-y Stuff] Harold's constant worrying? *squeesqueesquee* John getting shot? *dies* (yay for bulletproof vests! :D) Harold refering to Riley as "bad code"? O.O Riley's death? *sob* Harold telling John "bad code" can't be used to describe human beings, because humans can change? "Even killers." *wibbles* *dies* *iz dead* Show, I love you so much!!! *dies some more*