Title: End of the Night (GW500 Challenge #37: My Turn)
Author: infini_t
Pairing: 1x2
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Notes/Summary: No spoiler. Heero POV. Just a little something something for fun.
Word count: 648
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing and I have nothing valuable. I don’t make money from writing, I write for the fun of it.
Many thanks to the awesome Andie and Ryouga for superb beta-ing!
He knew that I like to watch him. He’s come to expect it like thunder after lightning or sunshine after rain. Sometimes, I think he did the things he did just because he knew I was watching.
Duo was in his element tonight.
I watched him make his rounds and mingle. Left hand holding his drink, right hand extended warmly to everyone he met. I watched him dancing with the daughters and the wives. Hand resting lightly on his dance partner’s waist, eyes focused on sweet faces, heavily made-up faces, guiding each of them in a twirl around the dance floor as if the rest of the world had drifted away pitifully. Who’d know Duo Maxwell had the waltz in him?
I did.
I knew how they felt too, the daughters and the wives, to be on the receiving end of that knee weakening charm, and to be the center of Duo’s universe. Duo was like a roller coaster ride through the clouds in a thunderstorm. He invades your senses with raw, breath-stealing energy and you want to thank him for it.
He let them rest their cheeks on his shoulder and he let them put their hands on his chest while giggling dizzily at his every word, eyes clouded with hopefulness and lustfulness. He let them slip keys to their hotel rooms or perhaps secret apartments in the city, into his pocket, only to skillfully slip the keys, unnoticed, back to their person.
I smirked watching envious husbands and jealous lovers throw vicious, hateful gazes at him. If anyone of them dared lay a hand on him, they’d be on their back faster than they could say L2, and I wouldn’t necessary have anything to do with it.
I waited until the last diplomat had left with his wife and daughter in tow, both women turning before they left the ballroom for one last look at him. The daughter waved coyly, the wife’s gaze traveled up and down his lithe body, suppressing a tiny smile of regret. I waited until Relena sauntered out of the ballroom and the palace staff started cleaning before I put my drink down and got out of my chair.
It’s finally…..my turn. The hair on the back of my neck stood with eager anticipation as I walked steadily toward him with predatory excitement coursing furiously through my veins.
The ballroom was bright as day now that the cleaning has begun. Duo, now the calm center of a chaotic storm, stood in the middle of the dance floor with the palace staff buzzing busily around him, clearing out expensive china, knocking over empty wine bottles, and removing tables and chairs on hover trolleys.
He smiled at me as I approached, feigning innocence. With his bow tie loosened around his neck, he raised his arms above his head, snapped his fingers and stomped his feet like a flamenco dancer. I pulled him to me as soon as his body was within my reach. Loosing his balance, he stumbled against me with an 'oof’ and a soft chuckle. His breath was sourly sweet, like the champagne he’d been sipping all night.
He smiled at me again but this time, sincere with a tint of relief. We began to move, slowly, in small circles on the dance floor. There was no music but a cacophony of sounds: sharp clinks of silverware on crystals, the dragging of something heavy across the hardwood floor, and the merry chatter of the staff. I thought I heard a whistle from the back of the ballroom.
As our bodies pressed closer and closer together, thoughts of daughters and wives drifted further and further from my mind. They could slip him keys and they could try to get him to go home with them, but the end of the night belonged to us. The end of the night belonged to only me.