What a rotten day!

Dec 17, 2008 19:01

Today hasn't been a very good day... or at least in my opinon. I just need to write it out a little. My morning started with having to do an emergency run to the bathroom to pee because holy cow that bladder is getting small :0P So I decided that since Lee was still home and had a while to go that I would make a thing of cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Well Lee didn't take to me being up during his morning routine very well. Normally I'm sound asleep and not "in his way." He was getting SO pissy and crabby that I was awake and was just being a brat I guess. So I get the rolls done and he refuses to have any because he just doesnt have time to eat it on the road.. whatever I guess. He's getting out of the shower later and suddenly I am getting these horrible pains in my stomach. My stomach got like really tight and it was hurting. It felt like a hunger pain in a way only an exaggerated one but I wasnt even remotely hungry because I'd just eaten a ton... and I started crying. No matter how I laid down it just kept hurting and hurting nothing I did made it any better. Lee tried to make me feel better for a minute but had to get going to work so left in a huff that he was 5 minutes behind schedule. So then I am sleeping finally the stomach pain numbing a little so I can and then wake up to my phone vibrating. Lee is calling me to tell me that he has lodged his car in a ditch/snowbank and can't get out so would I please bring him shovels and boots. So I do. I get there and theres no way that he is going to be able to get out of it but who am I to say anything... He tells me to get in the car to stay warm while he shovels. Lee really has no options because my car can't pull him out (he's got a blazer) and he's broke due to all of these stupid side things that just keep coming up I swear. When the puppy died last Tuesday Lee had opted to do a cremation for him which was $93. I am happy we are.. it just that $100 here and $100 there and suddenly there's nothing left no matter how much safe room you normally have... ANYWAYS well a cop shows up and forces Lee to get his car out of the snowbank (it is nowhere and in no way affecting traffic!!!) so she calls some local place to come drag him out. So there is $65 MORE dollars down the tube for something. I was really annoyed because I don't even see how he got the car where he did... the roads were barely covered and if driving carefully a person shouldn't have done anything more than slip a little. He of course didn't want to hear this. So we leave and he heads to work (gets there an hour late... although he did call them 30 minutes before he was supposed to start to tell them what happened!). His boss decides to do his annual review this morning 10 minutes after he walks in the door. I am telling you this lady is a bitch. I can't hardly stand her. Lee is the only guy who works there, all the other guys end up getting fired for mysterious reasons after working there like a month or whatever and that's it. Well anyways she basically ripped him a new asshole the entire time. She brought up stuff from 6 months ago that weren't really issues but just things that happened and were settled at that time so shouldn't really have been a problem.... (like his grandma died and he didn't take all of his bereavement but the place tried to hassle him about taking any... just stupid things like that). They gave him a hard time about the fact that he has his cell phone on vibrate so he can catch any emergency calls that come in kind of thing. They KNOW that I am pregnant and whatnot and they understand that stuff has come up in the past that we had to be able to at least text each other and they told him that he can't have it anymore. They criticized his sleeping habits. They have no idea how much stuff he does in a day and all the stuff going on in our lives that make sleeping for him hard to do... They denied giving him a raise despite the fact that he is way overworked already in what he does for them. They told him he has no motivation and initiative (he only works 3 jobs right now and still barely makes ends meet!) They told him in 6 months they'll consider it maybe. So that's stressing me out a lot because it is just one more thing today ya know? And he's freaking out about how he can support me and the baby with just his income for even a month alone so now I am starting to get really stressed about it too. So then comes work for me. Today I adjusted my schedule with my boss that I would work 4-12 am instead of 2-10pm because I just haven't been feeling well and after the morning issues I didn't get my nights rest like normal... so the boss said it was no problem. I get to work and I am shanghai'd and told to go see the big boss! I knew what it was in regards to... last week our company put out a survey for each of us to do.. kind of like a left evaluation/company/management eval, etc. We were told to be honest in our answers and that we wouldn’t be penalized for any of our answers. So I expressed all of my concerns about this place and answered everything honestly. I go in and was told in a nutshell that if I am so unhappy then maybe I should look elsewhere for a place that would fit me better... Also when I thought I'd been hired as full time to their company last July... apparently they thought they were hiring me as part time... on all of my availability sheets I'd had 40 hours... the big boss said she had no idea I wanted to be a full time employee here. (why wouldn't I.. I already work 40 so why would I not want the benefits like paid holidays!?) I told her that yes I did want to be full time, that I am not going to be going back to school for a while and she just told me to think about it and they'd think about it too whether they could do that or not I guess... She kept trying to talk me out of it by saying well you know a baby is a lot of work, blah blah blah... yeah and I still have to work to support that baby no matter what so... yeah. I dont know I am just annoyed by that. She kept telling me that she thinks I do a good job here and all but that she was just unhappy to see my replies on the survey kind of thing and to start thinking about if this place would work for me, yada yada.

What a fricking shitty day!
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