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Jul 11, 2010 01:18

Good morning my love,

I am not sure where I will be when you read this, probably sleeping still, but even in dreams I have already started my journey to you. From the night I saw you I have been yours, and everything I have done since, has been to get back to your side. I can imagine what the next weeks will be like, but really, I don't know. I just know, that I will finally be with the one I love. That is enough. More than I could ask. Everything that you have done, everything you have said, felt, believed... for all this, I am grateful. I only hope, that when I am with you, I will find the words to express everything in my heart, but I know that it won't matter even if I can't find the words, because I will be with you, and words will no longer be all I have to give you. I have tried all these days, to express to you how much I love you, in my art, in my words, in my music, in my sighs. Now I have the chance, to make you know it. It seems unreal, that after so long, I will hold you again. It is crazy, that I only was with you for a matter of hours. There was no time, but now there is, and we will get to start again. I don't know what I did in this world to be so lucky to meet you. I love you. I really love you. My heart, my life... I keep searching, searching for the right words to leave you with, in these last moments of separation, in these last moments of letter reading and writing, before I will be back like I never left. I can't find the right words, I don't know what the right words are, what I am looking for. My heart is so full of emotions that have no words. I think that you know what I mean. I can't lie, and say that I never worried or was afraid of this, because I was, and in a way, I still am. I'm not sure how I am going to be able to make myself leave you again. But we can't think like that, not yet. We just have to enjoy the time we have. Together. But even if I am afraid, or was afraid, my love for you burns through all fear. I follow my heart back to yours. I am about to make a journey, that is a journey in so many more ways than one. You changed my life already, you will keep changing it. Honestly, I could sit here, and type everything in my mind all night, everything in my heart, but it would never come close to expressing how I feel right now. All I can say is... I love you. I have tried to learn your language, know you, be there as much as possible for you. Now I will be able to learn so much more, of you, of your life, of your language, of your mind, your heart. I love you already, but I am hungry for you, everything about you. I have been missing you for so long, it will be incredible just to set eyes on you again. I imagine just feeling your body heat and I whimper. I imagine the first touch, you, real again. Oh my love... I know we are different and we have very different lives, but I think we are somehow made for each other. I can't foresee everything, but we felt it, that night. I still remember you smiling as you took my hand. I never wanted to let it go. I can still feel your fingers in mine. I want them there always. I never thought I would cross an ocean by myself to return to my love I met in the night. I could never have seen you coming. I want to be enveloped in your arms and hold you forever. I want to make love to you and be ridiculously naughty and make you laugh. I want to walk on the beach with you and have you save me from a jellyfish (kidding!). I want to dream with you under the night sky. I want to watch you, just watch... you breathe. God... I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't live without you. I have been dying here without you. It will be a miracle to see you again. nothing less than a miracle. You are a miracle. My miracle. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for chasing me again and again. Thank you for understanding when I couldn't stay. Thank you for believing when I said I would come back. Thank you for having faith in me. Thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you.

I love you Estella.

I will see you so soon. I will be there. Don't doubt it. Nothing in this earth will stop me from finding you this time.

your love across the water, but soon by your side
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