(no subject)

May 09, 2002 18:14

yay! so i actually had something good happen to me at work today.. well, acutally on my lunch break. Me, Kristen, and Stacey decided to go to the Mexican restarunt across the street from where we work for lunch, (for get the name of it right now) because i'd been craving the shirp chimmichungas they have there. after chowing down on chips and salsa for awhile, Stacy looks at a table behind us and said "i think thats Craig" (the VP of our company). We all look over, and Craig waves at us. On his way out, Craig and what ever CEO he was with stoped by to say hi to us. Kristen made a joke that Mr. Park (the owner) told us that Craig was there and that he was supposto pay for our lunch. Craig just lauged and said "Okay!" and paid for it! w00t!

after we were done eating, when i was about to pack up my left overs, i looked down and noticed that they'd given me a chicken chimmichunga instead of a shrimp one. I mentioned it to the waitor who was standing by the table, and told him that it was soo good (which it was!) that i didn't even notice the mistake untill i was packing up my left overs. The waitor appoligized and told me to wait there for a few minutes. when he came back, he'd brought me a new full order packed up in the doggie bag for my left overs! (i just hope its the shrimp ones this time)

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