Mar 08, 2012 15:06
Bodie is going to be freejumped on Saturday and he also has 2 people that are coming out to look at him this weekend. The one lady I spoke with from Calgary (who trains with Jim Ifko, a trainer I really like) seems really keen on him and seems to have already fallen in love with him despite his quirks (and yes Jess, I even showed her the videos you sent me!) So everyone cross your fingers for a happy home for Bodie!
I've been riding Coco still which is delightful. Definitely not the kind of horse I would want to personally OWN but would sell her to anyone. She's sweet and pretty and SUPER safe. I think this is the first horse Steph and I have both ridden and enjoyed equally. Anyone looking for an awesome horse to bring up/first training horse whatever, let me know as she is going to make someone a fantastic mount.
Yay 9 more days until Mexico!!! And shopping on Friday! This trip is so needed after a hell year at work and with so many life changes it will be nice just to leave it all behind for a week. Hopefully sans horse. That of course will be difficult as I can see this becoming an issue where I'll be in Mexico and wondering about the vet check on my horse lol. But oh well. I should be thrilled I have interest at all! Also fun is I get home Sunday from Mexico and that same day head up to Fort McMurray. Hopefully I'm NOT driving! lol
And another interesting possibly conducive to further drama,point of note is that Shalayne has decided to bring Matt back to work for us this summer. Uhhuh. Matt. I'm not sure why on earth he would personally choose to come back as that must be the most unhealthy thing ever! I know him and the guys at work have issues between each other and then our "relationship" such as it was. He should just stick to stalking us all on facebook I think. But whatever. Honestly I'm not all that concerned. I can easily pretend nothing happened and we will not be working together much but it's still pretty close for some kind of issue to not develop. If it's decided upon and he's guaranteed to work for us this year then I will have to have a chat with him before anything starts and hopefully we can clear the air now before stupid shit happens.
Lesson day today (on Coco). I'm already tired though so will have to drag my ass out there. Luckily it's a 6 30pm lesson so I will be home in good time :)
I had my first Level 2 pole dancing class on Monday and I'm STILL sore from it. It's amazing! The workout has been fantastic and I absolutely adore it. Level 2 involves way more pole work and cardio and it's super fun and the floor work is starting to become easier and I can really start to notice a difference in my body. Definitely will keep it up!
pole dancing