Of lady issues...

Dec 10, 2010 15:16

Ugh...I ran out of the pill last month and was lazy about getting it so at the beginning of my period, I had THE WORST cramps ever. Seriously I was totally out of it for 2 days and I slept for 3 days before that. It's never killed me like that damn hormones!
Now that I have properly bitched about my female issues, I can carry on.

Bodie has been fantastic as usual. I can't believe the change in him since last year. He still will spook, often at stupid things like Becky blowing her nose or somebody hitting the wall with their tail but his spooks are definitely less frequent AND much less dramatic. Even this week, I lunged Bodie monday and then didn't ride until my Thurs lesson which normally would result in a hot Bodie but not at all...he was maybe a bit fussier and took longer to warm up but otherwise the same ol' quiet and content Bodie. It's great because I'm having so much fun on him this year as finally we've generally established basics and now are just refining them and working on new stuff.
Yesterday's flat lesson we did TONS of lateral work. We started at the walk on a circle and asked our horses to move their haunches in on the circle while maintaining inside bend (or travers on a circle). Holy man, that's hard for Bodie because he likes to toss his hips to the outside but also, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing...it took a lot of brain power on both our parts! He's pretty awesome at travers on the straight away but on a circle it's definitely harder for both of us (especially to the left...on the right rein we aren't terrible). We intermingled that with shoulder-in on a circle as well.

Both Bodie and Ozzy were definitely ready to trot after that exercise but we definitely had an awesome walk going (amazing how lateral work improves the gait hey?). We did some lengthen across the diagonal and then on a circle and then went back to doing travers and shoulder-ins at the trot. Despite the fact that we didn't canter (Becky wants us really solid and straight before we start cantering again), we were both sweaty.

Tuesday I went home and made cabbage rolls with my mom-in-law Linda. Her cabbage rolls are amazing and I really wanted to learn how to make them especially since I know that people aren't around forever. She was so touched, she kept saying that no one else has ever asked her to make cabbage rolls with her before. It was cute and now I have a whole bunch of delicious cabbage rolls for Christmas dinner!

Last weekend was productive...did lots of running around and got lots of stuff accomplished except Christmas presents. Ugh...This weekend will consist of getting a real tree and getting it up and decorated and decorating our house. Going to the Butterdome craft fair which will hopefully help with the decorating part! I love going!

Work is pretty slow and I spend a lot of time doing nothing...in a good way though....today Kristy and I went for coffee at Starbucks...can't go wrong with an eggnog chai! AND we're renovating the office so we went and picked out paint colors and tile for the front entrance.

Cory has finally accepted the idea of getting a dog so I have been sorta looking though not really wanting anything until next year because the lack of yard forces us to have to take it for walks a million times a day. However, I have found on kijiji a lady selling rat terriers which I'm only vaguely familiar with (as in I have met a couple in passing). Doing some research on them, they seem to be a dog that may be able to fit into our lifestyle. And they're cute! I emailed the breeder asking more questions so we'll see. I also inquired about future litters. I also would like to take Cory to the humane society so we can see what is there as well.

Well we were given the go ahead to leave so I will head out and ride my boy.

bodie, integra, dogs, christmas, family, work, lessons

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