Oct 04, 2003 12:09
So last night death came over to my house and tapped my shoulder while I was sleeping soundly. I believe the conversation went something like this...:
Death: "You mortal! Your time has come."
Me: "Huzzah! Do we get to go to Disney World?"
Death: "What...? NO! Your life has ended here tonight."
Me: "Hah, thats impossible."
Death: "...What do you mean?"
Me: "You see Death, not only do I have reddish hair, but it's not tuesday."
Death: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Me: "Everything Death, now go away. I'm sleeping."
Death: "...So...you're not comming?"
Me: "Do you have any cookies?"
Death: "Well...er...I-"
Me: "I didn't think so. 'Night."
Death: "...Death only wants friend..."
And then he left. It must be a lonely life being Death himself, with no cookies and all... So yeah, I'm sick again, and I stayed up all night coughing while the inside of my chest burned like a madman on crack. It sucks because...well...being sick sucks, period. I'm gonna try to call my friends now cause I'm bored, and well, I promise I'll try to come back as soon as possible.
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