Thoughts on Simon's appearance in "The sense of Wonder"?

Jun 24, 2010 21:55

Much like a kind of similar post of mine in October, it would be -especially- great if other cosplayers here would be willing to help out. But really, if anyone at all has any ideas, I'd appreciate it a lot. :)

So for Otakon this July/August (hint: that's bolded because I want to meet all of you and nerd out with you, in person, for real), which I'm ( Read more... )

question, parallel works, event, cosplay

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myreasoninlife June 25 2010, 04:48:27 UTC
Going to Otakon and doing a shoot with some awesome TTGL cosplayers before the Friday meet.

Was going to do S.t.a.r.S Yoko but... TIME. UNF- But Parallel Works 2.1... it makes me wibble since Nia is adorable.


rain_normally June 25 2010, 05:04:56 UTC
Wow, which S.t.a.r.S. Yoko -- the stewardess-looking one, or one of the billion other outfits? I'm making Simon's brown suit from the rock band sequence, but that'll probably have to wait until just after Otakon.

I'm still on the lookout for a Viral cosplayer that'd be willing to furiously headbang in the name of GL cosplay. Do you happen to know anyone?

I'm still really undecided on which days I'm going to be wearing each outfit, to be honest. ): I can't decide whether to wear pre-timeskip or Sense of Wonder to the Friday gathering...


myreasoninlife June 25 2010, 05:14:41 UTC
I wanted to do the stewardess outfit but the one where she was in the burlesque club totally caught my attention. That and the cowboy one.

Actually, I am doing a photoshoot with a Viral before the gathering on Friday. Not sure if they will headbang though. XD

Hmm... It's a toughie. I'd be your Nia if it wasn't so close to the con. Bawww... Why not Sense of Wonder on Saturday and Pre-Timeskip on Friday?


rain_normally June 25 2010, 12:36:57 UTC
I don't even look at pre-timeskip Yoko as anything besides cute/pretty most of the time, to be honest... but the burlesque club outfit's kind of awesome. :D Go for it.

Awww. ): Nia -is- really adorable in PW2.1 (and a lot of other times too), it'd be amazing if you could join me... but... yeah, the con's only just over a month away and it's already kind of crunch time. What you said is most likely what I'll end up doing, especially since the shoes for pre-timeskip are actually uncomfortable as hell and I almost died walking around in them all weekend at Anime North. I'd also admittedly be more likely to have my costume recognized (which would make my DAY) on Saturday, since more people + longer day, and stuff.

Are you going to Otakuthon or FanExpo, by any chance? I notice you're in Toronto. :O I'm attending both of those cons too, so maybe we could Simon/Nia it up then?

B...but Viral headbanging is more or less the greatest thing in existence. ):


myreasoninlife June 25 2010, 16:55:55 UTC
AASDFGHJKLK; I would if I could but eventually, I will, I hope.

SO ADORABLE! I wish I could but I work a lot more during the summer. If I had lots of days free I would definitely do it! :< OUCH. Uncomfy shoes... Dr. Scholls? Ahhh... Don't we all want to be recognized. |D This is why I tend to be the one taking photos since a lot of my stuff is pretty tiny when I first wear them. Baw.

Sadly, not Otakuthon because I will be at Anime Evolution at that time. :< FanExpo is possible since I will be back by then. :)b Hopefully, maybe be Nia. I don't want to have you have expectations since I am pretty limited with time to do things. My July schedule came out and I am working practically everyday save for a day or two a week which I still need to finish my costumes for Otakon and Anime Evolution. BUT NIA IS SO PRETTY! ASDFGHJKL; WIBBLE.

Oh god yes. Not going to disagree there.


rain_normally June 26 2010, 11:36:43 UTC
It's always better not to rush costumes. :) Besides, I also think it'd be cool to put together a really big S.t.a.r.S. group, but that's not going to happen for a while yet. You could always join us -then- if you happen to have it done, right ( ... )


myreasoninlife June 26 2010, 23:32:50 UTC
But of course. :)b A S.t.a.r.S group would be amazing!

PFF- WOAH. I got home at around 2 and I slept at 4. XD Had work at 9 in the morning today. baw.

Ahhh... Gotcha. It's the feeling of being recognized and having your work acknowledged. :) But damn... Those are some intense plans you have going there.

I squirmed reading your description. D: If anything, you can try band-aids inbetween your toes? OR have actual shoes inside the shoes as opposed to flip-flops? idek.

Yeah. Nice red contacts are hard to find without them being ridiculously expensive. I am still trying to help my friend find a pair for her Red cosplay. :|

ASDFGHJKL; EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS, FTW! I am not sure if I will have time to make PW2.1 Nia because I come back from Vancouver on the 18th and that doesn't give me a lot of time to actually make her. D: BUT if I can get some reference pics I can damn well try and get the stuff done! Sadly, I be lacking in the wig department. :<

And you know what? IMMA FRIEND YA.


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