Current reading list

Nov 09, 2007 22:36

I've decided to shelve Otherland where I am for now, as I'm finding it becoming dense here, early in Book Three -- I will finish it, but I don't seem to be making any progress, so I think it's best to pause there for now and read a few other things. Here's what I've still got unread:

  • Bujold - Cordelia's Honor (Miles Vorkosigan series, book #?)
  • Cook - The Tyranny of the Night (The Instrumentalities of the Night, Book One)
  • Dick - The Philip K. Dick Reader (short story compilation)
  • Donaldson - The Illearth War (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Book Two)
  • Mieville - Perdido Street Station
  • Mieville - Iron Council
  • Paterson - Bridge To Terabithia
  • Peake - The Gormenghast novels (Titus Groan, Gormenghast, Titus Alone)
  • Pressfield - Gates of Fire (on loan from osravan)
I've started the following but may never finish them, for the reasons detailed below:
  • Abercrombie - The Blade Itself. Don't know what to say about this one. It's just not grabbing me. I'll give it another chance sometime, probably.
  • Erikson - The Malazan Book of the Fallen series, of which I have copies of the first two books. Of all of these, I'm most likely to try this one again because it seems like it could be so cool. But Gardens of the Moon is really a slog.
  • Gaiman - American Gods. I don't get the love here. Everything in it has been done before and better. And I like Gaiman.
  • McCarthy - The Road. I don't care how good it is if it makes me want to slit my wrists inside thirty pages.
  • Pullman - His Dark Materials trilogy. I read The Amber Spyglass The Golden Compass, and was so incredibly underwhelmed I don't think I could bring myself to finish the trilogy. It was just so bland and simplistic. A huge disappointment after all I'd heard. I think I'll probably skip the film as well.
If anyone wants to chime in with what I should read next, now's a good time. I think I want to try to commit to reading a book a week.
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