Child's Play 2007

Nov 05, 2007 18:05

I posted this at Ranland too, but for those who aren't regulars there, I'm posting it here too.

Anyway, it's that time again! Child's Play, the Penny Arcade charity, is open for business. For those not in the know, Child's Play aims to get fun stuff like games and whatnot to sick kids in hospitals during the holiday season. If this sounds like something you'd like to support, hop right in.

Child's Play website

Penny Arcade! webcomic

Child's Play doesn't deal with used stuff, at least not directly (see below). If you want to contribute, just go to the website, pick a hospital to support -- often there's one in your area, as there is in mine -- and you'll be taken to an Amazon wishlist for stuff to be sent directly to the hospital.

Here's the Child's Play "About Us" statement:
Here's the deal.

Since 2003, we've set up and organized Child's Play, a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 40 hospitals worldwide. In four short years, you as a community have answered the call and come together to raise millions of dollars.

That was awesome. You guys have proven over and over again that you are an overwhelming force, and you really came through and made a real difference to the millions of kids that children's hospitals care for each year. So we're doing it again this year, only this time we've expanded Child's Play to more hospitals around US and the globe so you can send toys to a hospital a little closer to home.

Child's Play works the same as last year. With the help of hospital staff, we've set up gift wish lists full of video games, toys, and movies. You can go to each hospital's list and buy a toy, and that toy will be sent to the hospital. Some of these kids are in pretty bad shape. Imagine being stuck alone in a hospital over the holidays, getting something from a fellow gamer would really raise their spirits. Some of the stuff the hospital will give away for kids to keep, while other gifts (like consoles) will be kept by the hospital for patients to use throughout the year.

We are arguably the largest community of gamers on the internet. The important word there being community. We are not a faceless corporation and you are not just a number tracked by a database and then relayed to hungry advertisers. You guys have proven yourselves to be a powerful force when stirred into action. Here is your opportunity to use that power to do some real good.
And here's a link to the page it came from, which includes FAQs on how things work, why they don't do some things, and how you can do things like put your used stuff to work and how you can help:

About Child's Play

If you've got some spare cash this holiday season, why not brighten up a sick kid's day?
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