There is pending sexual assault legislation in Texas which is described in this
news article. It is a bill that will erode more rights for
viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy in sexual assault trials. It is sponsored by Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston and it is highly misandric. This bill is opposed by
Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas and
Sen. Robert Duncan, R-Lubbock for its unconstitutionality. Contact both of these Senators and encourage them to oppose this bill. Cite that this bill could lead to spin off crimes such as extortion and cite cases of false rape accusations and the accusers. Most of all applaud them for their heroic stance in standing up for justice. If you are in their jurisdiction write them. Even if you don't live in their district write them anyway. If Huffman's bill is passed it may make its way to your area and I'm sure you don't want that so write in today. The civil liberties you save may be your own. Write in today.