For the first time, my family's Thanksgiving was not held at my parents' house. Kate and I hosted this year at Sundog House (which is what we're now calling our new place). It was Kate and me, my parents, my nephew (Mat), and a friend, Helen Jordan, who recently lost her partner. So, it was a small group, but fun. The food was great (Kate made an awesome pumpkin cheesecake), and the weather was beautiful... very warm and sunny.
Mat took pictures:
This is Doormat the Cat. We've tried to find someone to take him but haven't had any luck so far. He is such a cool cat, though, that we've decided to hang onto him until someone we know and trust can give him a good home. He deserves it.
Tasha is Doormat's sister, and they're best buds. She's very friendly, too, but not as laid back as Doormat.
Thanksgiving sunrise on Sundog pond.
The Thanksgiving crew, Dad, Mom, and Helen Jordan.
Mat showing Mom some of his photos.
The table setting. Those are my Grandmother Carter's dishes.
Best buds.
His eyes are so striking.
Mat takes beautiful pictures, doesn't he?
Sundog pond.
My dad and his best friend, Clifford.
Bedtime for chickens. Silly things.