Pretty Mary Sunshine and the Wire Hanger

Apr 11, 2006 18:59

Waiting for the bus. I've decided to LJ so that the rest of the night may be spent on homework. GD was really great tonight. I feel very light right now. I don't need to do anything (well, I'm doing SS tonight but it's 'art art' and not 'hunched over computer art' or studying or anything terrible like that) tonight so it's muy bueno.

In Art History I noticed that there were amazing things written on my desk. About spitting and swallowing. Claudio was next to me and he had a hand traced multiple times on his desk. No real meaning. There was extreme issue getting the power point file to operate so class didn't start until 15 minutes in. In the mean time I drew and we mused on GD a bit. Class was tolerable.

Table time was normalish. Pam is figuring out where she comes from. Something tells me it ain't Kansas. Jeremy came and sat down and we had to relive the Zip It Bitch Vase and how essential it really will be to our decor. Reg and Ashley disappeared and then reappeared with pacific wraps. Ashley didn't like hers, so I took a bite.
I had a feeling deep within me that it would be waiting for me when I returned after SS. As I entered the Terrace I saw Dan going off the other way. When I got to the Table Casey and Dan Grab informed me that the wrap was left for me but Dan just ate it. At first I was confused and thought it was Grab Dan and not Dan Dan and thus threatened Grab Dan with lots and lots of physical violence. Rarrr. Etc. But it wasn't him. I was so pissed cuz I was so hungry. So my women's intuition didn't fail me, just Dan's stomach. I left a voicemail telling him that he owed me first fruits and his first born. Casey had just explained that technically Ashley left the wrap with a note on it that said 'for the Table Gods." After which Casey added that this of course meant me.
I did not want to play cards. So I didn't. My laptop got no good hands really either.
Ben called and he is still at his place of employ thank God. Go for money, not vengeance. He asked that I pass the phone to Casey so that he could ask about applying at Best Buy. But then he propositioned him for sex so she put the phone on the Table/table and slid it back to me.

Backtrack. I arrived at SS right on time, or rather at the SS classroom. Sadly we were meeting in Special Collections so I had to go to the fourth floor of the library. Sigh. Pant. We looked at some visceral books. Luckily none of them were that visceral seeming in an extreme way so my project should be fine.
There was an artist there who talked about some of her stuff. Kind of boring actually. Lots of collected data like blood smears and needles from her diabetes equipment. And a diagram of three months of pictures of her areola. Just small little pictures. They should have been shaped more like a calendar seeing how they were gridded boxes...
She and her sister both got pregnant around the same time. 'Cept her sister kept it and she got an abortion. She spoke about it so nonchalantly. She did a project on the Roe vs. Wade trial. Transcripts and pictures of reading it and stuff. She said she was getting the procedure done and it was up on screen. She asked them to print out a screencap of what was up there (not sure how that happened?) and she was like "because you know me, must be an artist." All cheery and shit. I had to be like waitwhat in my head. Leaned over to Dana to be like "wait, so she did have an abortion?" "yeah." "then why is she talking so casually about it?" "i don't know, it's so sad though." "Yeah."
Except, i didn't find it that troubling on a personal level. I wasn't outraged, but just confused as to how she could be so flippant. She said that it wasn't like something you get done over a lunch break or something like some people try to make it out to be.
In GD Kyle and I were talking about it and he brought up that she said that. I was like "Yeah, for her it was more like a long lunch break." "*laughs* Yeah. But something about the way she was talking about it made it seem like she was in denial about it almost." "Like she hadn't really dealt with it yet. Yeah, that's what I was thinking."
She took the screencap and screen printed it onto underwear. "Like it's something you can just take on and off." A baby's life that is. She certainly made it seeem that way though.
I looked at a book of photos with the pink haired girl who works in the student org office next to the LGBT center. An art book with lots of homoerotic stuff in it. Then an artist's version where he went through blotching out a lot of it. But it was pretty boring censorship style. Ooooooh finger paint. I'm so impressed. Uh.... you'd have to see it to appreciate that art bitch aside.

Oh, the bus comes in ten minutes. I'm going to finish this update later then. Yes, I'm being a post slut today, but when was the last time I got to cover every part of a day in such detail? I'm taking advantage of this dammit.

casey, reg, ashley, dan, ben, gd i, sequence and structure, claudio, jeremy, pam, dan grab, kyle, art history, dana

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