
Feb 22, 2010 03:15

When he regained consciousness it was in a room he didn't recognize. Since coming to Earth Wufei had grown used to waking in unfamiliar places, but as a general rule had some memory of falling asleep there first. Such was not the case this time, and he stared at the medical equipment crammed into the cell as he sat up ( Read more... )

chang wufei, char aznable

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char_char_char February 23 2010, 04:33:15 UTC
Wufei is being observed from a distance.

"It's a Gundam," Char says to himself, "But not one the Earth Federation ever developed. What's going on here...?"

Char guesses this new Gundam is likely a close-range model from the lack of obvious beam weaponry or bazookas, and does the best thing he can in a gravity well and finds a high point to stand on before opening communications and making himself known. His Zaku's machine gun is ready, but not aimed at the Shenlong yet.

"Pilot of the unknown unit," he says in his Captain voice on an open channel. "Identify yourself."


showmejustice February 23 2010, 07:37:08 UTC
Hearing a stern voice over the channel, Wufei's brows knit together in a frown. He scans his screens, looking for another mobile suit, and spots the Zaku.

The frown deepens. This is an unfamiliar model; red, with spikes on one shoulder and a squat head. He fingers the controls, but doesn't draw his beam glaive yet. The other suit is too far away, and his dragon claw can be used with less effort.

"My name is Wufei," he announces. "Who am I addressing and what is your allegiance?"


char_char_char February 23 2010, 16:42:33 UTC
"I am Captain Char Aznable, of..."

Char thinks for a second. No one else seems to have shown up here from that battle save for Amuro. With only a Zaku to his name, he could hardly claim to be much of a leader right now.

"Formerly leader of the Neo-Zeon movement, but for now I believe I'm a free agent," he explains, voice softening to a more conversational tone. "And who might you be working for?"


showmejustice February 25 2010, 07:37:46 UTC
Neo-Zeon...Wufei doesn't know what that is, but it's not OZ, so he lets it slide for the moment.

Who was he working for? Wufei snorts. He doesn't work for anything except what he believed in, and he won't tie himself down to any corrupt organization.

"I work for justice," he answers, his voice clear and strong. "What is that suit you're piloting?"


char_char_char February 25 2010, 13:48:37 UTC
Justice? Char thinks. What a kid...

"I had thought that the Zaku II line was fairly famous," he responds, "But from the look of things, I'm not exactly in Kansas anymore."

He explains further "This is actually a very old model; the second mobile suit design ever produced, after the original Zaku. You, of course, are piloting a Gundam, though not one I've ever seen before..."


ooc: when alternate universes collide showmejustice February 28 2010, 00:37:32 UTC
Kansas? Wufei doesn't really know where that is, but he can't bring himself to care. But he bristles when Char identifies his mobile suit as a Gundam.

He bides his time, though. "I'm not familiar with the Zaku," he replies, his tone perhaps a little accusatory. "That's a topic not covered by any text I've studied." And I've studied a lot.

Wufei frowns. "Does it predate the A.C. era?"


char_char_char February 28 2010, 16:15:11 UTC
"AC era?" Char asks. "I've never heard of that. The calendar was called 'Universal Century' last time I checked, and had been since the founding of the Federation."

Char pauses, and considers, looking around. "There are two ways to account for this. Either one or both of us is a time traveler, or one or both of us are from different planets. I'm inclined to believe the former, because the design of your mobile suit is far too close to that of my old enemy's to be a coincidence, not to mention the fact that I'm pretty sure there aren't any human settlements that aren't in contact, at least, with Earth."


showmejustice March 1 2010, 04:58:59 UTC
"Universal Century?" Wufei snorts. "Perhaps you are time traveling. The year is After Colony 195. Is this Federation of yours related to the United Earth Sphere Alliance?"

He regards Char warily. If Wufei's suit resembles his enemy's, the man might draw the conclusion that Wufei is his enemy as well, and the long-range weapons on Char's suit would give him a definite advantage. "And who is your enemy?" he asks.


char_char_char March 1 2010, 05:09:21 UTC
"Amuro Ray, the Federation's White Devil," Char explains, mild venom in his tone. "Twice now, he's boldly led the corrupt Federation in crushing the autonomy of space colonies. He also seems to have followed me here, for some reason."

Char calms down a bit, his voice returning to a more even, if still emotional tone. "I only wanted to free humanity from the oppression of Earth's gravity. He claims to want the same thing, but fights me for the sake of revenge and his sheer bloody-minded naiveté."

He then turns the question around. "So tell me, Wufei. Who is your enemy?"


showmejustice March 1 2010, 06:11:22 UTC
Wufei frowns. He doesn't know who Amuro Ray is, and doesn't particularly care either, but the mention of the colonies has set him on edge. "Are you from the colonies?" he asks.

Still, the gears in his mind are clicking. He is also fighting against OZ and the UESA for the sake of the colonies' freedom. This man is probably not his enemy, though Wufei wouldn't go so far as to call him an ally.

"My enemies are any who do not oppose justice."

[ooc: Wufei says: "you are not a friend of justice~!"]


char_char_char March 1 2010, 06:21:48 UTC
"From the colonies? My father was the original leader of the colonial independence movement...in my time, at least," Char says. "Liberation for space-dwelling humans from Earth's oppression is more or less my life's work."

"As for justice...I think you'll find not everyone agrees on what that is, but I believe in it strongly myself. Particularly against those who have hurt people close to me..." he adds, trailing off into a bitter tone once more.


showmejustice March 2 2010, 06:06:37 UTC
"Not everyone agrees," Wufei admitted, "but I have faith in my own judgment." If there was a moral high ground, Wufei was sure he was on it. It was that certainty that allowed him to pilot Nataku, and he was proud of it.

He's definitely intrigued by Char's talk of colonial liberation, but something feels off in the back of Wufei's mind. He can't help thinking about how the other Gundam pilots from the colonies had blundered straight into a trap at New Edwards Air Base. But he knows better than to put any hesitation into words. He will make his choice when the time comes, but for now better not to alienate the only other person he's seen in this foreign world.


char_char_char March 2 2010, 06:11:31 UTC
"A worthy way to go about things - if you can't trust yourself, you can't trust anyone," Char agrees.

He looks around from his high position. The Zaku wasn't designed with terribly long-range sensors, since they'd be relatively useless in combat, but there was definitely visible movement at several points on the horizon.

"I think this place may be dangerous, even in mobile suits," Char observes. "It might be beneficial to watch each others' backs while we look for a more secure location."


showmejustice March 3 2010, 05:08:03 UTC
Wufei regards the other pilot warily. What is he playing at here? He has no assurance that Wufei won't stab him in the back at the first opportunity; why would he suggest an alliance?

Char's apparent confidence that he is safe with Wufei is what concerns him most; the man must have some kind of plan B if he is this willing to put himself at risk. But Wufei himself has no plan at all, and in this sort of case something is better than nothing.

There's safety in numbers, he reminds himself, and if all else fails he still has Nataku, at least. She will protect him.

"That's an acceptable plan," Wufei replies. "Why don't you lead the way?"


char_char_char March 6 2010, 04:52:02 UTC
"Of course," Char agrees. He reasons that if his Zaku piloting skills are still high enough to evade Amuro, he can at least escape a sneak attack from this kid...even if the kid was smart enough to keep Char in front of him.

"I've detected a number of heat sources around here that are consistent with some older models of mobile suit," Char says. "The first thing we should probably do is find out where they're originating from, and if its defenses are light enough, seize some supplies." He smirks in his cockpit. "I don't know how long you've been here, but I'm starting to feel a little hungry."

((If you like, I can start another thread for scoping out/attacking a supply base.))


showmejustice March 7 2010, 05:09:24 UTC
Older models? Wufei raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the concept. He's got no particular lust for combat, but he's curious about these strange suits. He'd like to question Char about his, but he doesn't know where to start.

Food does sound good though, and he knows he'll need rations to keep his strength up. He nods and checks his thermal scanner, looking for blips of heat.

[ooc: Sounds good!]


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