Two pieces of fanfiction. I have plans for more soon.
Title: Hairline Cracks
Fandom: Gundam 00
Characters: Setsuna, Lockon
Rating: PG for violence.
Wordcount: 3,381
Summary: As he wanders the world with Exia between seasons, Setsuna finds the unexpected happening: even as the past stays with him, he's growing up.
Setsuna had never had birthday parties. )
Title: Meet You There
Fandom: Gundam 00
Pairing: Lockon (Neil)/Tieria
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Contains messing around with Innovade sexual distinctions (i.e. Tieria has girlparts), but that shouldn't be too much of a shock by now.
Wordcount: 12,525
Notes: This wound up being sappier than I intended it to be, but hopefully exactly as messed up as I intended it to be. Written to satisfy an urge for porn and some character exploration while practicing for a longer and (slightly) more plot-based thing I'm working on.
Summary: A chance blurring of the lines between reality and what lies beyond gives Tieria an unexpected opportunity.
Part I: (
Once you get far enough beyond the particles, you reach a place where the dividing line between those who are and those who *were* isn't quite so clear. )
Part II: (
Holding onto himself while Lockon kissed him was hard for Tieria. )