thursday- el and i had a slumber party, listened to amazing music people should still be listening too (including now 9) and had too much fun.
friday- no schooool. el and i woke up at 3 p.m. did stuff, josh came over for a bit, then we saw the ring 2 with the girls. slept at el's house and we went to bed when her mom was leaving for work, that's in the morning.
saturday- el and i roller bladed allll day (it was the funnest thing ever.. pictures next time), had a picnic and visited rinne and karen :-) roley poley nicoley slept over.
slumber party with el:
movies with jess, nicole and el:
hahah, who's the creepy chick on the left?
coloring easter eggs with nicole:
i had fun :-) and i'm over it. all of it.