Apr 03, 2008 20:32
I have one week left at Wal-Mart. I am excited, and nervous. I've had enough time since giving my notice that I'm not still having the nervous "Oh no! What am I doing?!" feeling. Everything has kind of fallen into place. I've just continued on doing what I do. But I have the knowledge that it's not for that much longer.
And honestly, people have been opening up to me about their plans to leave or search for new jobs.
For me, I just kind of have it in mind that I am getting out while I'm still ahead. I'm getting out before I've been with the company too long. I'm getting out before Wal-Mart completely goes to the dump.
Right now I'm trying to think ahead for everything I want to get done while I still have my discount card. I know I've BEEN doing that, but really in a time crunch now.
I got a $3 pair of pants and a $5 bra I've been wanting for a long time. no discount on clearance items though. So not a big deal there. Funny thing about the pants. When I got home and tried them on (yes, I was one of "those people" that irritate me so much. The ones that don't try things on before buying. But in my defense, I was just trying to get home from work. I didn't want to spend more time in the dressing room. Normally I do try everything on before buying.) I reached in the pocket (pockets are very important to me) and felt something funny in there. I thought it was just a tag or something. Nope. It was a ring. There was a ring in my pocket. It was just a cheap costume jewelry ring, but it was surprising none the less. So a $3 pair of pants + a ring that probably was worth about $3.
I THINK Rob said that we'd do his eyes tomorrow. We'll see.
We bought Alvin & the Chipmunks bluray. Sweeney Todd isn't on bluray 'cause paramount is resisting the future.
I saw online today that Wal-Mart has a few titanium and tungstun wedding bands. But meh. whatever. They don't come in sizes to fit Rob anyway.
The big thing seriously was/is Rob's eyes.
We don't have room or really any need for any furniture that Wal-Mart would have.
My mom said she might send a check for my birthday well ahead of my birthday so that i could use the money for new work clothes. If it gets here in time to shop/buy before starting at Suntrust then it should be here in time to use with my discount. Dunno how much (if anything) I'll be able to find at Wal-Mart though. at this point I'm feeling the need for shoes mostly. The cautionary "we'll tell you when you can wear sneakers" is disturbing. It's gonna be hell trying to find shoes that I can live with and will fit me and will be suitable. Clothes, meh, whatever. Shoes though. bleh.
OK I guess that's it.