Jan 28, 2008 00:38
So I've been training someone for the Service Desk because we really don't have enough people during the day. In the evening, there are several people who can do it. But during the day there aren't that many people. And one of them is doing some temporary work at Cookeville for a month.
The person that was picked to be trained up there I do not agree with at all. She feels like she's about to snap. And frequently informs you that she IS about to snap. I've actually only trained her one day, and probably I only had that one day because I've made my feelings known. I don't agree with her being put up there.
Today there was a man who came through her line at the register, not at the SD, and he let her know he had some sodas on the bottom of his cart. Now when i was cashiering, I didn't mind people leaving sodas or water on the bottom of their cart. Saved space on the belt and the carousel and having to lift them so many times and whatnot. That's why we have the hand held scanners as well. So I would go around and scan them not saying anything. Well something about the way he said it or just the way the neurons fired in her brain really rubbed "DJ" the wrong way. True, there isn't a way to ring the sodas up without scanning them. But she could have gone around with the hand held. Instead she told him that she would have to actually see them to scan them. And he said something about "Well i could have just put them on the belt" and she fired back at him "Well that's what you're supposed to do anyway!" I didn't hear all of it, but her register was right infront of the service desk so I heard a good portion of it (besides the fact that she is loud) and I saw that things were heated. After he went away she just kept fuming about it and how "this place turns her against men so bad." and how she "better find another job soon before she loses it." I'm sorry, but someone who on a daily basis says things like that without having to deal with the BS that you get at the Service Desk, does NOT need to be at the Service Desk. Then the rest of the day she just kept going on and on about it. Even telling other customers later in the day about him. Good grief! take a deep breath and get the fuck over it!
I am so sick of hearing her bitch and moan about how much she hates it there and how much she hates the customers. It's to the point, especially with her training at the SD now, that I am ready to give Suntrust another call. I don't hate working at Wal-Mart. I really don't. I enjoy it most days. I enjoy most of the people I work with.
I kind of feel like I'm "running away" but at the same time, the bonuses that I recognized when I thought I was getting an interview with them before still stand true. And besides wanting to be as far away from DJ as I can be when she inevitably blows up at a customer, I am not thrilled with the new Front End manager that will be coming in February.
On another subject... Our water heater is out again. I didn't think they were supposed to have that many problems... I know that ours went out shortly after we moved here (because I was still at Food Lion at the time) and we have seemed to have less and less hot water at a time. But now we just don't have any. A couple days ago I came home and the apt smelled very chlorinated but couldn't figure out why. I don't know if that has anything to do with the water heater or not... but that's the same day that we didn't have hot water any more. rob at first said maybe it was from the old dish washer having leaked when the repair man took it out, but that was too long ago for it to just now be smelling. And it smelled stronly upstairs too.
So my tasks for tomorrow are to call Buckner and make sure he got Rob's voicemail about the water heater (I'm kind of surprised he doesn't seem to have an "emergency" number.) And to call Suntrust to make sure that my name stays fresh or whatever. And I am also going to finally get my name on my drivers license changed. I've had too many "close calls" with not having my name match on my credit cards and on my license. I thought it was going to cost the nearly $30 for renewal cost, but according to the website it is just treated as a lost license so it should only be $8. We'll see.
days off,
service desk