Day 01 -- Introduce Yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 - Your parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A moment
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Hmmm I spent a lot of time thinking this over.
Then I came across this post on tumblr. ...
You can see the others
HERE But aside from the first one, I tried to pick ones that were applicable to things outside of romantic love...being IN love.
I took so long to do this day because love is so difficult to explain. It's something we all feel and know........ but defining it ...... GUH *headdesk*
I'll try and do both.... but for me, I think of love a something universal.... love for friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends are all the same, just with different levels. Some people would include lust or something....but that's never love. I guess it might be easy to confuse it with love, but looking at those images above.... would you willingly put that person before you? Sacrifice yourself for them? Think of them, hoping that they're happy? Get really excited to hear from them? Be with them?
And being in love with someone, is like loving your best friend, just with extra intimacy right?
I guess I define love through actions....
D: Why did i do this post?! I have no idea what Im writing!