" However, it's the conversation and getting to know each other outside of the feeding that is a better determinant of whether or not a relationship will sustain. I can't really see a relationship having staying power if the ONLY thing the two share is a niche fetish. (a good fetish nevertheless :) "
great comment/ reply! (relevant-to the point-concise-articulate) Really has got me thinking since I am actually going through this as we speak. Totally hits close for HOME.
Their reply was:
" Since it's difficult to find the real thing, a real life in the flesh feedee, perhaps you could make an attempt at "fleshing out" the conversation with your potential mate. Good luck."
That was a great comment and reply from
Just talked to mr x marine yesterday nite. Sounds like he won't be able to have time off (in all actuality just sked his two days off together I think) till the latter part of Sept. I was hoping to see and finally meet him in a couple of weeks. Oh well. I understand how scheduling can be. Our conversation has the beat of an ancient irish burial dirge. It is just so hard keeping it going. I can barely keep it afloat. Getting very tiresome too keep from sinking... all our converstation seems to based around our NICHE Fetish. I keep trying to branch out by asking him questions but always seems to go rite back to the fetish again. Really am hoping I am pleasantly surprised when we do finally meet. Suppose I can only hope for the best and be optimistic. This long distance stuff is so frustrating. I am going to take some aspirin and sleep now!