Apr 12, 2007 16:38
"Unbelievable weather we're having this month huh?" I turned my attention to the door of the General Store. Fred waked toward me as he dusted the snow from his coat. "Looks like we could be snowed in at any giving moment. Though I think the storm has maintained it's distance from town." He passed behind me and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Darn storm seems to be more interested in the mountains." I looked over to the window where I could see a part of the mountain range. Fred was right. The storm seemed to almost move towards the peaks. "Well Im sure that the storm will subside in a day or two. Who knows, maybe we can get some sleds up there and what not." I grinned.
The wind blew and rattled the windows. Fred become serious. " I should get back to work. No telling what else the snow brings." He walked back into the snow covered streets. I didn't like the way he said that. It was getting dark outside. Which also meant that it was getting colder. I paid the clerk for the groceries and left. I wasn't that far from home. When I arrived, the manager greeted me as he always did. When I finally got to my room on the 3rd floor, I set the groceries down on the table and lit the fireplace. After I had gotten everything into its place, I went to my room and got a sudden chill up my spine. As if the devil had ran his fingers up my back. There was an akward feeling about the room. Something was missing. Or maybe not. I noticed a strange book next to my research papers. It was like none that I've ever seen. Especially in the libraries around here. Something else bothered me. How did this book get in here for one. How did whoever leave this book get in?
I live on the 3rd floor for crying out loud. And if they used the fire escape. Theyd be caught in no time. The manager would have told me if I had any visitors. Nosy man. I stared at the book looking for any answer to its appearance. All answers led to something unnatural. Then again, that was my interest. What more could I ask for.