(no subject)

May 27, 2011 19:28


I was looking at my want list the other day, trying to get it sorted out. I figured I might not be doing too badly. I still need to pay off my Leeke & Soom orders though layaway, I want to outright buy the second-hand Regen hybrid once he comes back available, and I want to order Singe from The Mushroom Peddler before his order period ends.

After that, I still want to get E-an, who I still tend to consider the "main character" in my resin world, even though I don't yet have her. For her, though, I'm sticking with my plan of waiting and hoping for another DoD event like they've had in the past; granted, I want to be ready when that time comes. I'm also still planning on picking up a Star Cheshire and two of DD-Anne's tinies when I get the chance; since none of them are limited, they're going to be safe to wait for until a more comfortable time.

With the payments for Leeke & Soom safely spread apart and the non-limited dolls safely able to wait a while, I figured I could handle everything else without too much difficulty. Once I got the Regen hybrid and Singe out of the way, I could concentrate on making my layaway payments. Once those were done, I could work on saving up to get the rest. Sounds good, right?

Wrong. Damn you, Leeke, for making Fly Mikhaila available soon AND making her fabulous. I want her so badly. T_T

When the previous Mikhaila dolls came out, I thought the shape was interesting (though not as awesome as Enaibi's dolls, which I still covet HARDCORE), but I didn't think the face went with it very well. The face-up and outfits made her look so weirdly childish. I enjoyed looking at the box openings, but didn't really care to get one myself. Then comes Fly Mikhaila... I love her face-up. I love everything about how she looks, now.

Somehow, I'd have expected that combining a doll I'd considered babyish with such a...er...mature outfit would have looked wrong to me, but it doesn't. Granted, I still expect I'd pass on the outfit - I don't actually dislike it, but I can't see myself using it either. It's not just the outfit that makes her look more grown up, though. I guess it's just that face-up. It's making me see her as I hadn't before, and I waaaaant. I could totally see turning her into a sorceress. <3

I'm not sure I'll go after the fantasy parts, either. I love the horns and their blushing, but I kind of hate the wings. On the other hand, I could keep the horns & staff, and ditch the wings on the MP.

So yeah. It's a good thing Leeke has a nice layaway policy. T_T I'm pretty sure I'll be adding one more thing to the list...

I'd really better start developing a better filter, 'cause this isn't going to work if I keep falling for new things every couple of weeks. >>; Must. Stop. ...After Mikhaila.

Of course, there's also Luts releasing Quintus -- the preview doesn't show enough of him for me to decide whether or not I care, but I'm intrigued. So long as my Regen-hybrid doesn't fall through, I don't think it'll matter, but it looks like he could end up as a reasonable alternative if anything happened there.

All this is to say nothing of wanting to get some more eyes, wigs, and outfits to use for all the dolls I'm accumulating. >>;

On the plus side, once I finally decide to work on some crafting, I'll have lots of victims. XD

Yay for the long weekend! Time for...well, probably a lot more yard work. My sister needs me to check on one of her dogs, which will probably take up much of tomorrow. Then I hope I can do a little crafting. Or maybe I'll finally start Fable III...

Edit: Pooh. I finally got an offer on one of the cels I'd been hoping would cover a good chunk of my hybrid's purchase price. Unfortunately, the offer is less than I'd hoped -- less than offers I've had previously -- which is pretty disappointing. D: I guess availability has changed in recent times, so it's my own fault.

I knew I shouldn't rely too heavily on getting all my cels sold or that I should expect too much from all offers, but I'd still kind of hoped. If I sell for that offer, I should still be able to make up the difference and cover the purchase price. On the other hand, I'm not positive I want to sell for that amount. :( But if I don't, that WILL make a huge difference in the funding; I'd have to hope for several more sales to make it work.

stuff, the chronicle of my impending demise, nerdgasm

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