Hello everyone. I haven't updated in forever. It's better than updating daily with boring shit that nobody cares about.
I'm temporarily located in Ann Arbor while I attend the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan. This means I am turning into more of an arrogant asshole each and every day I spend here. Not really, hopefully. I am taking 13 credit hours, so I have a fairly light classload. Calculus 2, Calculus-based Physics 1, and C++ and Matlab computer programming. All together, there is probably less work than high school, which is nice. If you spend the same amount of work on these classes than high school, you'll probably fail though. The material is similar to high school, like Calculus 1 = AP Calculus in high school, but the pace is so fast. We do more than one chapter a week and there isn't a test after each chapter. There's 2 big exams which count for most of your grade and one final exam, so you have to do well on the tests or fail. I'm not sure if it's like that at other colleges, so I'm not going to say U of M is harder than anything else, but it is pretty rigorous.
My two roommates are very cool. Jason 1 is from San Jose, California and we're getting along great. You-Heng (Jason) 2 is from Budapest, Hungary and he's a little more anti-social, but still nice. He speaks English perfect thanks to an American International high school. I'm meeting lots of new people up here and making some good friends, but I miss all my closest friends a lot. Michigan definitely isn't a big party school. Usually Thursday nights are more alive than Saturday, which makes no sense at all. Michigan football is probably a big cause of that. Everyone drinks before the game or during it so they are already toasted by that night. Other than drink, I don't know if there's a whole lot to do up here on the weekends while saving money. If you go to "hang out" it usually involves alcohol now, which is pretty depressing, but that's what kids do when they have freedom.
Recording and Veracity have come to a halt, unfortunately. Jon is coming home Thursday from NY to do some vocal recording and I'll try to get in there to do the vocals too. Not sure when Danny will come down to do his parts. We're slowly piecing it together. Still hoping for a November release, but not sure about that yet. We'd love to have a concert on Thanksgiving when we're all home. I definitely miss playing our music so much, it sucks not having it.
Hope everyone's doing okay wherever they are. I am glad that I don't have to drive anywhere because gas prices are insane right now, but also, I hate not having that mobility to go wherever I want to. I can't go to State, CMU, NMU to visit my friends. If ANYONE, seriously ANYONE wants to come up and hang out, there is enough sleeping space in my room for a football team. We just got the futon mattress today and it is very comfortable.
I don't know why I'm writing in this right now, I have a class at 8:00 AM and have to wake up at 7:30. Hopefully everyone read this and caught up. Try this little quiz if you get a chance. Not sure how many people actally read this anymore.
I miss this:
The rules:
1. Open a music player.
2. Go to 'all music'/'library'.
3. Hit shuffle.
4. Find photos of the first 10 artists/bands that come up [no repeats and no cheating].
5. Have people guess who the artists/bands are.
1. Most energetic music ever. Fantastic.
2. These guys have been around awhile. From Canada, but nobody really LOVES them.
3. THE BEST BAND EVER. NO DOUBT. 3 jews and a protestant!
4. HAHA just kidding. This is Martin O'Donnell. He composed the soundtracks to Halo 1 and 2.
4. Way too easy.
5. Acoustic frontman and songwriter. Everyone knows the one song he has.
6. Everyone loves these guys. Indie kings.
7. Amazing good driving rock and roll. Seen 'em live twice. Jonny you should know this one. You were at both.
8. Stoners!
9. Too easy. Love em to death!
10. Hard!!! Solo rock songwriter. Featured on the Orange County soundtrack...
Good luck.