Saturday: breakfast with friends is always good. The parade was fun - walking a 1/2 mile along with the same paraders dancing their jig was amusing. The Guinness flowed. Tony, Brehon Law, and the Brian Baynes band were definitely
entertaining (thanks,
sdtj!). Guinness ice cream FTW at Justin and Matt's (now former) place!
Sunday: A festive breakfast complete with Guinness pancakes and scotch eggs. I brought enough eggs and sausage for 18, only 6 ended up being made and consumed. Extra nummy! The rest of the day was mellow (recovery mode: on).
Today it looks like I'll be heading to the Harp for another round of Tony. I took today off, but I actually did so to do some yard work (Shhh! Don't tell the coworkers - I have an image to uphold =P).