Islanders Twitter Highlights Masterpost

Sep 18, 2013 14:58

Islanders Primer to go with all these amazing tweets - in case you want to know more about the guys!

I tried to keep this only to the best tweets and there's still so much that I had to make splinter posts. This one has all the flirting and chirping and complimenting, the others are more focused.
Matt/Johnny post
John Tavares NHL13 Cover Campaign - less kinky than the NHL14 campaign, but incredibly enthusiastic
Additional Player Highlights

Colin and Grabs and Johnny: (these make more sense if you've watched Colin's NHL 13 cover vote promotion video for Johnny. See here. I thought for so long that Islanders PR came up with that video and then the team started chirping Colin about sleeping on JT's floor. HAHAHA. All the tweets from March are before the video. Which means they just teased Colin about being a dog named Diesel who is Johnny's pet for months. Wow, I thought they came up with the idea for the video based on Colin staying with Johnny and then made jokes based on that but NOPPPPPPE.)

Plus Matt:

Colin and Grabs, also interesting on their own.

(someone definitely sat the boys down and told them "TALK ABOUT HOW EASY THE TRAIN TRIP IS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE" before this little field trip. XDDD)

Casey Cizikas and Matt Martin pretty much just use twitter for flirting. (And are so smitten, I had to make a separate mini-primer for them.)

So I was completely stunned to learn that Zeeker and Marty were never at our AHL affiliate in Bridgeport at the same time. Zeeker was only called up to the Islanders in Feb of 2012. So as soon as he got there, he was making Marty listen to Call Me Maybe and they were beginning a Chipotle tradition:

This is after about 6 weeks of friendship, as far as I can tell.

Matt was also prone to flirting with Travis Hamonic, who no longer has twitter. They used to be road roommates.

(Fairly certain the "teenage girl" comment is totally tongue in cheek, since Marty is aware that his choice in programming is also primarily marketed at teenage girls. Thus, I choose to find this darling. Grif is one of our awesome prospects. <3333)

The boys are really, really into chirping each other, although often in the most cuddly way possible.

Johnny is pretty much everyone's favorite chirping target - especially for his lack of poker, soccer, and tweeting skills.

(I believe Matt Martin was doing a Q&A at the official account here.)

If I had to guess, I'd say Johnny's pretty bad at poker.

(Aww, Johnny's inability to lose gracefully at anything)

Matt gets it on this one too. He says Grabs is genuinely the best player, so I guess he gets cocky.

Takes some guts to chirp John Tavares about his looks, I gotta say. ;)

Mental. Images. Everyone went out to Minnesota for Okie's wedding, but Matt missed it because his wife was super close to giving birth.

read bottom up:

I would like to summarize what led up to this but I couldn't follow it at all, sorry! A very complex chain of chirps.

Of course, Grabs is also happy to lavish JT with compliments.

When Johnny was in the All-Star Game, everyone livetweeted their viewing experiences:

They're generally super into giving me warm fuzzies.

Always Chipotle.

oh my god these children going to movies/meals/apparently tennis together all the time. <3333333 Sometimes in fic when they write the players' entire social lives being their teammates, I'm like "hmmm, maybe... but surely they have other friends?" But apparently that really is the Islanders' lives. XDD (PS LI is kind of a cultural wasteland but it's not THAT bad - you can totally get into NYC and stuff like that! haha. They're all going to end up on a bowling league together, aren't they?) (Oh shit now I need that fic.)

Johnny's not the only member of the team whose play gets loved on.

read bottom to top - these are from when Grabs was playing for Team Austria at the Worlds:

(I didn't screencap any of the goal congratulations, but I'm sure you can guess they're there.)

Arthur Staple is our beat reporter. I love this exchange.

Islanders Primer
Matt/Johnny post
John Tavares NHL13 Cover Campaign
Additional Player Highlights
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