So, I'm planning to build my first C&C cage in the next few months. At the moment my three boars (Swirly-Whorly, Bernard, and Dr Evil) and three girls (Bernadette, Olga da Polga, and CK) are sharing (separated, of course) an enclosed courtyard in the middle of my house (I know, I know, outside. Please don't eat me, I'm working on it.) and I've got another boar (Icky. That being his name. I'm not saying he's gross. :D) who wouldn't get on with the others and is currently having a blast running around my bedroom floor and wheeking really loudly to wake me up in the morning.
I'm going to make a 2x5 for my girls, and I thought I could make a 2x5 for my three boars and stick an extra bit for Icky on the end so they could be neighbours.
My questions are thus:
1. If my three boars and Icky are neighbours, will they get used to each other enough that I can give them floor time together without fights? I'm thinking that I won't be able to, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone's done anything similar.
2. I'm planning on using fleece and towels. How often will I have to clean out the cage and wash the towels, assuming I vacuum up poo daily?
3. I know I should make an 2x3 for Icky, but what's the best way to attach it to the rest of the cage? I don't think I could make it one long thing, because that would be very...long. What about making an L-shape? Or just putting them side by side? If you've done something like this, please tell me what worked best for you.
Here are pictures of all my babies:
Bernard, being the king of everything.
Swirly-Whorly enjoying some veggies.
Showing off his epic hair.
\Dr Evil and Swirly would like to know what is going on here.
Dr Evil is scheming.
Icky hiding in one of his boxes.
Trying to figure out what the odd flashing thing is.
CK in the hay. And some of Bernadette's head, if you look closely.
Olga on the left and Bernadette on the right.