Narold shippers, this one is for you! I'm totally in love with this pairing. <3 And those boys so deserved a vid. The love... The passion... The pain... *sighs* And I implied some Nathan/Alicia. As if the pairing wasn't tragic enough. ( watch vid )
Here's a Rinch vid which I made together with hoticemaps. It took us two sessions and a bit of additional work on my part to complete it. We had a lot of fun vidding together. ^ ^ I wish we could do that often. Hope you enjoy it! ( watch vid )
I had a nice week with my newly upgraded video editing software and found enough time to make a vid to "Annie's Song". Since it's a Bocke vid of course there won't be any Annie in it. ;) Some scenes are a bit painful but we can't deny that it happened and it fits in. I tried to give those boys a better ending because they deserve a happy one. :) ( watch vid )
I was listening to this song and somehow it made me think of some scenes from a certain LOST episode which could go well with the lyrics. I couldn't resist, gave it a try and finally made my first Bocke vid, a Benry/Locke vid to be exact. In the end it turned out that "Lockdown" easily gives you enough material for a whole fanvid. There are just so
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