Daniel And Fall (Oh, so Inspired!)

Mar 28, 2007 18:44

I hate livejournal. This is like, my second attempt because apparently the backspace button sometimes deletes your mis-spelt word....Or, sometimes, it takes you back a webpage. Bastardation. Anyway, I was wanting to take some photos, but wasn't very inspired. These pictures are nice....But not imagnative. They look like every other alright photography that you find everywhere on DoA and AoL. Sure, nice to look at. Exposure = nice, poses = nice. But imagnative? Nawwww. Not really. Maybe I'll start on photostories again, cos I have a few ideas and most of the boys are the way I want 'em now. ^_^ (And Fall is wearing a wig Charlie left up here. He looks good with poker straight hair...He also managed to loose his lip ring, Little cock. ¬.¬ )

I love Daniel, his look has come together so quickly. I'm very impressed. He's so photogeneic too, seems I can't take a bad photo of him. Just wish his personality would come through a little more, stop being so quiet! >.< What do you guys think? I think he was raised by his grandparents and wasn't unduly affected any way by not knowing parents.

daniel, fall

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