Nicki's arms! ~dances~

Mar 12, 2007 13:36

Ok, this is the third time I've tried to write this post. I think it goes to show how scatter brained I am right now because I keep hitting the back button and loosing the post. I'm such a 'tard.

Anyway, Nicki's arms arrived today. The jist is, they aren't exactly what I wanted, but they're good. I like them, and it helps me get a better idea for what's going on with him for when I get his bigger body. (the Elfdoll 65cm body. =) ) It'll rock. So I tried to get some decent photos of him, but he refused to look sad. Just happy to have his arms back after over a month I guess! Let me know what you guys think.

Then finally he co-operated and looked sad. XD

My Nicki. How I love him so. ^_^

scars, nicki

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