Hey everyone,
My first GDB home visit is in less than a week, and I'm both nervous and a tiny bit scared.. So I have some questions for you all, who have gone through this..
1, I was told by the person coming, to figure out a 8 block route and have it planned for the day they come, I asked if it should be a route I am extremely famillier with, and was told no, part of it should be easy ( a route I do all the time ) and part of it should be a harder route that is challanging for me.. The question I have about this is this: my sight changes day to day, and this person is coming at 9:30 in the morning, should I wear my dark glasses so that I use my eyes better, or shall i NOT wear them so that I rely on the Cane more??
2, Should I dress up nice, or just wear whatever I normally do??, (sweatpants and t-shirt), I was thinking of wearing a skirt and blouse, but I feel really uncomfertable in that and it might make me have worse nerves while I'm out with this person..
3, What kinds of questions should I ask? I know alot about guide dogs and the responseabilities, but i'm a little nervous as to what kind of questions to ask..
4, What kind of questions will the GBD rep ask??
5, What kind of stuff will he/she be looking for when I'm walking, is it just my cane skills and my O&M skills? or is it my whole personality and demeanor?
Ok, so thats about it, at least all I can think of at 2am in the morning...
X posted to a bunch of places as wel as in my journal and on