Oct 30, 2006 16:53
To everyone that responded to my last post- thank you for your concern, but I am now ok. A few days before making the post, I had started a new medication which had very adverse side effects from day one that escaladed over the couple days I was on it. I had apparently become very paranoid and highly aggressive. I was also hallucinating and had to be taken to the emergency room. Mike had rushed home to check on me after I said something to him on the phone and had called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. This was on Monday; I left the hospital Tuesday early evening for a Psych hospital. Apparently I was really out of it and they wanted to make sure the drug was the only reason I was acting out of character. I spent about a week at the psych hospital and have been home now I few days. I have no memory of the first several days, or rather, a few snapshots in time. I don't remember posting on lj, I don't remember things I said to people, I don't remember writing letters that I had written. I have been told that I was relatively pleasant to everyne around me other than Mike. From what I have been told, I was a bitch, and I cannot believe he stayed with me through the night despite what I said to him. I apparently asked him to comfort me and he did every time, even knowing that in about a minute I would be angry with him again and tell him not to touch me. I have never had a drug reaction quite like that before, and it is really scary to learn about things that I had said while under the influence. It had apparently made me super depressed and suicidal, although nobody is sure that I did in fact try to kill myself. To say the least, it was a very traumatic week, and I am trying to adjust back to a normalish life. I'm sorry if I worried any of you. I'm supposed to be as stress-free as possible right now, and so far, it has gone surprisingly well. Mike has taken care of all the cooking and cleaning, although I have to admit I've has very little appetite. I'm forcing myself to not even think about the things that stress me out. After the week I've had, its working far better than it ever has before. I just need a little time to get back completely to reality.