Jul 08, 2006 17:18
We were going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean move today at 11am, but that didn't happen. Mike had a 2pm appointment, so we were going to go for the 11am show so he wouldn't be late and we wouldn't have to pay full price. Since this was thought of last night, I forgot all about it and started making breakfast so we would have been late. Oh well, the orange french toast was yummy so I'm not complaining.
I went by Halo and had Brian look at my triangle piercing since it has been very irritated and gross for a little over a week now. He doesn't think it is infected, but irritated for some unknown reason. He said I'm taking good care of it and not putting things on it I shouldn't be, so it could be just a combination of stress and being in new environmens with all the traveling I've been doing lately. I get to baby it (like I've been doing) for a little while and he thinks it will clear up fine. Of course I'm going to NC on Wednesday for 6 days, so I'm sure that won't help too much.
We are going by the duplex and finishing painting up the bedroom- it needs another coat of paint on the walls and some more trim. I still need to paint the doors after that, but that will be a quick process once I get a colour picked out and not high on my list of priorities. I want the walls done before furniture in in the duplex and will have to be moved. I want to pick out a colour for the dining room this weekend and have some more ideas for the living room afterwards. Who knows, I may even get both of those rooms painted by the end of the day Tuesday, especially since its not like I'm working. I'm really interested in trying out the KILZ colour line, especially since they guarantee that 1 coat is enough- it would be nice if I only have to do one, but I'll put on an extra coat if necessary. I'm so excited to be moving into the new place!
MAR wants to go to Walmart, so I am off for now to do that and finish painting the bedroom. Yay!