what a day...!

Feb 06, 2007 18:40

What a day! Yes, this day was really tiring and stressful. I haven't had formal sleep due to POLGOV MIDTERMS and MATH LONG EXAM. Though I am used to sleepless nights this day was really exhausting. The POLGOV midterms was not that bad. Even though the test was 50 points identification, everything in the exam was taught by our beloved teacher so one way or another, I was able to answer most of the items in the test. Hoping that I answered most of it correctly. *crossing fingers*  Took my lunch with Illin, Shekinah, Tam, Yj, Cathow and Jessie. Oh and before I forget, Cathow just turned TWENTY today. *laughs* OLD OLD CATHOW. To celebrate her being old we bought her two banoffee pie's (her favorite) and placed candles above it giving emphasis on the "20". *laughs* But nevertheless, though she's old, we still love her dearly! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHOW! Hope you liked the banoffee pies and the giant birthday card! *sigh* After having lunch and the surprise, back to reality. Study Study Study for Math Long Exam. What a life! So then, I studied again. Math Long Exam was done. I was able to answer somehow but then there were some unsure answers. I just hope that I get a higher grade this time. After the Math Long Exam, the IMC interviews were out. Phew, I got into the first screening and what's more I have the same schedule with Mika. Woohoo! Well, I should be glad to have been accepted for screening because not all people who passed the applications got in for screening. So I guess that's a "thumbs up" for me. But then, getting into the first screening is not an assurance to get in so have to work extra hard. Another interview coming up on February 12 for Industrial Economics at 2pm. Sheesh! I have to cut class for that. Hate it. But then, no choice but cut. Worse, I have to cut P.E (volleyball) my favorite sport. It is the only class I always look forward to release stress and I have to cut it. Hu Hu hu! =( Anyway, that's life! So now, I am sitting in the bedroom blogging and resting my mind from too much thinking. My brain cells are tired. Tonight is rest night. Should have blank mind. No hassles and hassles and hassles. *laughs* It feels so good. Chatting and surfing. *laughs* In short, BUM night. I wish I could do this more often because college life deprived me of having boredom days. And honestly, I miss it. I hope I get to experience it again soon. For now, rest rest rest before I get into having fever. Health is important now. I can't afford to be absent. So, rest rest rest is motto for tonight! *laughs*  And so...until next time, my rest night starts now...
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