word vomit

Jan 22, 2006 17:05

I copied this almost verbatim (altered some that wouldn't make sense to you all without backstory) from my greatestjournal. Sorry, but that's become my main journal - if any of you all ever get a gj, be sure to friend me there (not that I write much there either, but whatever).

So, I've been feeling the overwhelming itch to make a (real) post here again for a while now. The only thing stopping me was that I had nothing really to write about. I still don't, but I don't care. :)

Classes started last Tuesday. Some of my classes actually seem interesting this time. My geology professor is a madman. In the middle of class the other day, he started studying my hands as he lectured (I sit in the front of the class). I was like "wtf?" Then he decided to use my engagement ring as an example. He didn't say "Could you hold up your hand for the class?" He just grabbed my left wrist and flung it up in the air. "These diamonds are pure carbon, just organized differently than the carbon in that pencil. Just don't put them in fire. It'd have to be really hot, but still..."
"I'll try to avoid that."
"Good. You better."
I forsee it being very hard to fall asleep in that class. I love it. (Go Mary for hooking me up with a good class again.)

[Backstory: My neighbors called the front desk on my roommate and I for "being too loud" about 768 times last semester, and their friend generally harassed us. Our RA sided with us, but she moved.] Our new RA is louder than Mary and I have ever been. (Okay, maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but she's louder than we are nowadays.) She had about a thousand people stumbling in and out of her room talking loudly while karaoking at 2 in the morning on Tuesday. Me? I was actually trying to sleep then. Bet our neighbors wish they could go back to the days when they thought we were a problem. Take that, bitches. *evil laughter*

J.D. came over here Friday and stayed till late Saturday. We ended up having a light saber fight (yes, I know we're super dorks). We decided to move the action out of my room after I rammed into the fridge a second time. This room just isn't built for swordfights. We went over to Nessa's and tossed her an extra saber. It was great fun. We even got (minor) injuries. :)

Nessa introduced us to a game called Scattergories. The concept is this: you have a list of things you have to come up with an example of before a timer goes off. You roll a die to see what letter you have to make every word in the list start with. It was great fun, even though Nessa beat J.D. and me thoroughly. Our problem was that you don't get a point for a word if you both write down the same one, and we think the same. For instance, when trying to come up with a language that starts with "F", we both thought "Everyone will write down 'French'," so we both wrote "Finnish". Therefore, Nessa got credit for "French" (because she sucks). lol. I was also amused that we both wrote down "men" for "Things on a beach that start with M." hmm...

I pretty much had a wonderful Friday and Saturday. *happy sigh* The only problem was that the weekend was too short, just like it always is, so we had to say goodbye, just like we always do. (I'm rarely ever mushy/pukey about such things, so I feel entitled to let that last sentence stand. Deal with it.) Just one more year (and some months, whatever)...then we'll see so much of each other that we'll be like "Wtf? We've been together for two weeks straight. Aren't you supposed to go home yet? Leave me alone!" :) [We're (finally) getting married in May or June of 2007. frick yeah!]

I feel like typing forever, but I don't have anything else to say that won't cross the line into TMI (such as "Guess how many times I peed today?") So I guess I'll make myself stop before I get too far out of hand. I should read up for Renaissance anyway...I really need to do good this semester or I'm SOL. [I ran into some rough spots the past two semesters, so I'm at risk of losing my scholarships if I do too badly. :/]
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