That's it, I'm swearing off that wonderful, blissful site.
Sep 26, 2012 01:53
...Please observe just how many captioned CGs are in this post, then agree that this is a wise and mature thing to do.
On the bright side, I think I can recommend that site as an alternative to any Kink Memes. No, I didn't write anything tonight, but gad knows I kept thinking that there was potential with some of the nuttier ones. If you need a lot of Noodle Incident descriptions for prompts with no request freeze ever slowing the blizzard... I think that may be the site for you.
This post is ludicrously NSFW. Some of it is also in poor taste, because Texts From Last Night rapidly desensitizes one to any sort of good judgment or taste in favor of black humor. (On the other hand, one of these is... not humorous, and was included only because the text fit the canon CG so well. You'll know it when you see it.) Click the cut at your own risk.
That said -
Have fun!
(For this one, just assume that this was the picture before everything went black)