Dec 08, 2008 11:21
Let's see... Friday morning, after a great week at work, I get a phone call from my agency saying that I have been laid off due to budgeting problems, and that they cannot keep everyone over the holidays when the project that we are working on is being blacked out until after the new years. Apparently they drew from a hat instead of just laying off the people that have been having problems at work. So out of my house, 4 people work with the company that I am with. I am the only one that got laid off. This, of course, means I cannot make my rent or most of my other bills, or pay off the loan that I have been busting my ass to get paid off.
After a temporary bout of psychosis (about 10 minutes worth) I got myself under control and started thinking things through clearly. I have 6-8 weeks or so before the project starts again. I have been assured that when it starts back up after the blackout weeks, everyone will be returning. Then again, I was also clearly told the rules and regulations at work just like everyone else that works there. No one has been fired for not following them yet. So who knows what their word means at this point? I may or may not have a job in 6-8 weeks. I've got a few options between now and then to at least makes ends meets. But it's going to be freaking hard to find a place at this time of year that pays $15+ an hour and is full time.
No Christmas for us, not that Obie and I have had a real Christmas in the 6 years we have been together. It's normal for us. Good thing we hadn't planned to visit my family this year either. Not sure what we are going to do about bills, but we will manage. We always have. It just fucking sucks.
In similar news, I'm not going to take this one sitting out. This first week I am cleaning the house top to bottom (with the exception of the basement and the roommies' rooms). I'm prolly going to help Maya with her place also, so that we don't have to be lonely (she was laid off in this run too). After that, I am likely going to start Ebaying things. I've worked as the primary Ebay technician before, so I'm an old hat that this. Hopefully I can supplement our income enough to not have to go hungry. My main concern is keeping up with the loan. It is a responsibility that I took on, even though most of the loan did not go to us. At this point, I have 3 more payments to make, we are so damned close to paying off our very first large loan ever. It's a big step for us, we were so close and then I get laid off. It's frustrating as hell, to say the least. *shrug* These things, they happen, and this too shall pass.