Plot ideas

May 01, 2010 17:03

Post here to submit ideas for gamewide plots for anyone to play.

Previously submitted on the old post:
Getting more milk (in different times - getting it from cow vs supermarket vs cows milk only available on the black market)

Aliens have stolen the moon

Coming across Weeping Angels - which of course transport you to a time that the TARDIS isn't in

Landing on a planet with dead and dying people and have to work out what killed them before it kills you

Tribble infestation on the TARDIS

Trapped in a haunted house (it appears to be bigger on the inside than the outside)

Machine that makes people appear as your worst fear - everyone sees something different

Machine that makes ghosts of whoever you want to see most appear - everyone sees something different

Trapped on a snowy planet

Have to get things for a Christmas party from wherever and whenever the TARDIS lands

Opposite Day - people/Time Lords/etc drink or eat something that makes them act seemingly opposite to what they really are (one person needs to be diabolically evil!)

Daleks have taken over a planet the TARDIS has landed on

Someone/thing could intrude and attempt to sabotage the TARDIS

Someone gets amnesia and forgets who they are

plot ideas

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