Emeril, Martha, Julia (God Rest Her Soul), and Food Network have NOTHING on this!

Oct 06, 2004 20:04

My mouth is throbbing with a very satisfied pain as my burnt lips and singed tongue swell from the accidental abuse of not letting the sauce cool before imbibing.


And OW!

But seriously, I used to HATE HATE HATE cooking until I started living on my own, now I've discovered I have a hidden passion for it. Maybe I should have taken up culinary arts instead cuz - make no mistake - I am an EXCELLENT cook (no matter what my brother says or how many times I've screwed up bread dough XD). This is not conceit. I have precious little to be proud of, but my cooking has always been a source of well-earned self-esteem for me. Even when I didn't like to do it.

I think it's the therapeutic motions needed during cooking that makes it so much a release - ya know the methodical preparations and all. I usually stick to "safe" recipes, things I've been cooking repeatedly over the years and have perfected techniques for (although, I never really have a "technique", I usually just throw stuff in a pot and hope for the best ^_~), but since I've been living alone I've taken to experimentation with wondrous results. Tonight was my crowning glory (if you subtract the whole I burnt my lips and tongue deal >-<) though I have to tweak THAT recipe a bit (too lemony). I wish I had the time to plan huge dinners! I wish I had more pots and pans! I wish I had guests to feed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it.

Cooking is fun . . . as long as it doesn't take up too much of my reading time.

Anyway, today - as a whole - was satisfactory. I got up at 11:30 though I probably would have slept longer if I hadn't promised one of my professors I'd bring one of her student's make-up test to be graded. I also used the time to go to the library and pick up two of the three books I need for my Whiteness Studies (no lie -- yes, whiteness as in racial whiteness) pro-seminar paper. I then did my laundry in a timely fashion and read my assignments for today (stuff I had already read in undergrad courses >-<).

Afterwards, I stared at the piles of books on the commonroom table and wondered, "How in HELL am I gonna finish everything before November????" Of course, I have not hit upon an answer, but I'll start by reading half of my book on Mussolini tonight for the European pro-sem I'm taking (Origins of the Second World War). I was looking at all my syllabi and my first presentation is on Tuesday -- Whiteness Studies ;-; ARGH! I so don't get that class . . . or I should say I'm not really interested in that class!

On the thesis front (a dogged worry to be sure), I'm seriously thinking of visiting all the Archives available around here during Christmas break. Maybe I'll get an idea. I also have to think about what my Euro pro-sem professor said - he'd like to see a study on local (New Orleans/souther Louisiana) isolationism (if it existed and what forms) after World War I. I also wanna look at Civil War journals too . . . some of them are online so -- We'll see. Right now, I just want to keep all of my options open.

Speaking of options, I have another damn project paper due on Monday ;-; on Kate Chopin (whom I have a new appreciation for). Strange how that happens huh? The same happened with me and Wordsworth, and Shakespear, and Faulkner. Hated them when I first read them but a few years later, it becomes clear why they are so admired. I'm only slightly pissed off and disturbed that I could have gone for my English MA with only a minor >_< ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! This is particularly frustrating since every thesis idea I get is literature oriented XD


I need to go cook something.

- Kysra
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