You're Yami's 'Oh, it's YOU.' look, implying that
you think that most people don't have enough
brain cells to function normally or that Mai is
a ho. One or the other...
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Expression Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla This is so accurate, it's scary. I even say - very flatly, "Oh, it's you" sometimes (particularly when it's my brother).
I looked at the other possible results and there's one that says, "You are Kaiba's 'I'm too sexy' look," and then "Because no one is sexier than Kaiba. No one." All I can say to that is, I CONCUR!!!!!
Because THAT, my friends, is one of the three absolute truths of the universe.
Dude, this is gonna be one hella short entry. I have to get back to reading. I've been slacking way too much. However, on the bright side, I've been writing UnClean every moment I can spare.
Seto is very happy. Very happy indeed. So happy, he has decided to share his utter and complete happiness with Tea-darling who is also very happy. They are being happy together in a very happy way. Their extremely open happiness is so intense, so honest, it hath multiplied three fold.
HappyBlack, HappyDying Autumn Leaves, HappyHis and Hers.
And Check out this piccy (if that doesn't inspire visions of happiness, I don't know what will) -
!Happy!Seto and Anzu.
- Kysra