The Life and Times of Sandy C.

Jan 04, 2007 09:02


May insemination plan on hold due to recent developments.

I'll just get down to the nitty-gritty.

For the last - now, week - I've had a headache I couldn't shake. I tried every drug you could imagine, including some prescription pain killers. Nothing worked. My dad kept saying it was a sinus headache, but I've had such monsters and this was NOT IT.

I went to the doctor Tuesday and she ordered a CAT scan saying, "It's probably nothing but I'd rather be sure." Which I appreciated after the whole gall bladder debacle. Yesterday, I got the results and I have a cyst in the left side of my brain that may or may not be the cause of everything. I'm getting an MRI done Friday morning so the doctors can get a better idea of what parts of my brain it's affecting and if invasive procedures are needed to treat it.

Obviously, I freaked. I was already on edge from my hormones going nuts and the withholding of my period (which still hasn't come despite all my bodily signs that it WANTS to) -- I've been having a very WEEPY PMS this month. It didn't help that the nurse who told me all of this (five minutes before I left work, no less) had no idea how to answer all of my questions. I asked all the natural questions, "Is it dangerous? Where is it? How large is it? What do they do for this?" etc. etc. She just to told me she didn't know and that the radiologist had ordered an MRI to get a better idea of where it is, how big it is, and if it is/will be a problem.

I called my mom just after I hung up with the nurse (and scheduled my MRI -- I wanted it today but they said they only had the one opening on Friday so . . . ), because she's been losing sleep over this too, waiting for the CAT scan results, and I cried to her and she cried and then she made the decision that her and dad were going to come up and spend the night with me (does this sound familiar to you? It should.)

When I got to my apartment I sobbed for awhile then called Emania, my cousin, and Tressa - all of whom didn't answer the phone so I left messages then tried to find something to occupy my hands - cuz when my hands are busy, my mind is calm. (And all the crying and stressing were NOT helping my headache).

Then Michelle called me back, then Tressa, and then Emania and Emania cheered me right up and I was able to think objectively.

The logical part of my brain is now firmly in control - which I'm thankful for. And I'm resolved that no matter what happens, I'll keep moving on and doing what I feel I have to do. I have so much I want to accomplish and experience. Pain and a little fluid is not going to stop me.

For those who don't know, I've gathered that treatment for brain cysts are medications (to control the pain), draining, shunts (if long-term draining is needed) and removal. From what I've read on-line, the outlook is very good, so even if they tell me they have to remove it, I'm confident that everything will be fine.

My FINANCES won't be fine, but I will be.

In the meantime, I'm going to be doing what I had planned to do in the immediate future. I've applied to the local university to hopefully start engineering classes during the summer. I'm joining the Continuing Ed. Dept.'s yoga and Kick/Punch Cardio classes. It'll give me something to do rather than sit in my largely empty, quiet apartment, and I'll be bettering myself at the same time.

Now, back to work.

I'll keep you guys posted though I probably won't know the MRI results until Monday >-< Waiting is the hardest part, right?

- Sandy

raul, stress

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