Tripping on 2C-I

Apr 18, 2004 15:19

Bugbears of the mind. Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagueries of perception, and each of them as artificial as the Matrix itself. And caused by what? An odd little research chemical by the named of 2C-1, Toocee Aye. To See Eye. After being sorely disappointed by Kill Bill Vol. 2, I went to see the folks at 106, who were tripping their balls off on the stuff. I decided after awhile, why not? I went and got some cash and bought a single pill, gulped it down with my Aquafina. 16 mgs to start out with. After awhile I started to feel a tingling in my body, a pleasant euphoria that built as my fellow psychonauts and I, wandered through the woods behind Murray Place. We found a golden field full of Goldenrod, then went through some woods into another clearing as the last of the sunlight was waning. We went further into the field, seeing deer tracks along the way, and at this point the natural surroundings had caused my friends’ trips to restart. I still wasn’t seeing much, but it was still cool. We found a gravel road and a barn, and then went over to a brook which the girls had found. There we lay, on rocks and sand, and stared up at glory. A ring of lightning-bugs winked off and on around us, and the stars came out, those burning furnaces from which all life came. Trees were all around us, swaying gently in the spring wind, and all was calm and peaceful and trippy. I hit my peak after a bit, seeing the lighter rocks in the bank starting to sparkle and glitter around me in a background of darker ones, but still nothing too reality-warping. I explained to everyone how we all came from the stars; that at first there was nothing but hydrogen, and then stars started to fuse it into helium. From there, the biggest stars started to collapse, and with each collapse the core got hotter and hotter and the pressures greater and greater, until helium fused into lithium, lithium into beryllium (beryllium baloney!), and so on all the way unto iron. At last the center can’t sustain itself and turns into a neutron star, exploding everything else outwards in a supernova, where it later coalesces into meteors and planets and more stars. Sweet, huh? After awhile we decided we’d better head back. We started back on the road, and soon spotted houses off in the distance across a dark field which we couldn’t see. It turned out to be completely covered in dead trees and brush, and so it perhaps wasn’t the best of ideas that we, while tripping, decided to head across it. Thankfully we made it across without any injuries, and found ourselves in the light of civilization again. Still no major hallucinations, but a wonderful euphoria. We made it back to 106, and I decided to take another one, about 2 ½-3 hours after the first. I went down to take a shower, and the body buzz started then, much stronger than before. I went back upstairs and watched “Island in the Sky”, a wonderful anime that Audra had, and as I watched my trip started in earnest. Lines twisted and warped, shapes morphed and undulated, and it was all very very cool. When the movie ended, Thor and Audra went to bed (they’d been up and tripping for 3 days on this stuff, so I let them), and I got a ride back from Jenni. I was completely, solid gone at this point; reality had no meaning at all anymore. I stumbled into Hart, and wound up in the elevator when the most visual part of the trip smashed into my unsuspecting mind. Everywhere were swirls and patterns, ghosts of images and messages written on the walls of the elevator, and here I was with some damn girl who’d jumped on it with me and I couldn’t pay proper attention to the wonder around me for fear of making it obvious I was strung out on drugs. I just held on for dear life and waited to get out, and then practically dashed out of there and back to my room. For a moment sanity re-established itself, and I got some Chicklets to help with the teeth-grinding. I hit the light, turned on my blacklight and some music, and proceeded to trip for the next 3 hours non-stop. Psychadelic colors swirled within my infinity poster, music was all around me, and I writhed on the bed as the strange chemicals raged inside my unsuspecting body, changing everything they touched. It was painful and weird at times, transcendent and beautiful at others. I was, in the local parlance, tripping my balls off. Out-fucking-standing, as Thor might say. Whew. At last, sometime around 4:30, the trip stabilized enough for me to find my way out of this reality and into that of dreams, and slept for a few hours, dreaming of strange fungi and Cthulhu-style elder gods. Upon awakening, I kept phasing in and out of trip-reality, which made my early morning jerk-off rather difficult. I took a shit, then made myself a nice glass of chocolate milk and drank it down. At last the final synapses finished firing, and I came back to reality, feeling drained and strung-out, if highly pleased with myself. I had taken a risk in imbibing a research chemical about which little was known, but it was well worth it to find the crack in the cosmic egg. Did I say crack? This was more like a titanic rift, a fissure in the universe aeons wide, beyond which anything and everything could be. Wonderful. I fucking loved it, and wish to do it again sometime soon, hopefully with John and Liz along for the ride. I find it interesting and wish to subscribe to its newsletter. So to speak. My first real trip … and boy was it a good one. Lalalalala, lalalalala, the Watchers. Tripping with a head full of Drakengard and de Sade and Goddess knows what else was an interesting experience, so it was, finding annihilation and freedom in the strange space beyond time.
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