
Jun 23, 2005 11:25

let's get together
you buy me dinner
and i'll pick the movie

i woke up to the answering machine. i have a job interview at the key arena at 845am for event attendant. i have no idea what this is going to be like, but i'm ready.

my day started off with good luck so i decied to get out of bed and live it up.

the subway mannager was not there but the owner was there. i get the impression that the mannager is rather flighty. nobody really knows what's going on with the hiring business.

buffalo exchange isn't actualy sure if they are hiring, either. they're reviewing their hours to see if they really need someone to come in.

tully's coffee isn't hiring summer help anymore. i'm probably shit out of luck in that department.

most employers just don't want to outright say no. it's annoying because i want to know upfront if i'm wasting my fucking time or not.

last night, whitney and i watched movies at the downtown denny's. nepolean dynomite. that movie is even better the second time you see it. there is a lot of blatant stupid humor but there is also a lot of subtle stupid humor, too. you might have to be mormon or have a lot of mormon friends with you to get it.

everybody had something to say about our movie.

"too bad you don't have next friday or how high on you," some gangsta gangsta charlie said to us.

"but don't you realise? this is idaho's version of next friday," whitney said.

"for reals..." and he walked off with his padres.

the goofy thing about this character was how his button up silk shirt was buttoned up crooked. i don't know if this is the new style for young gangsta gangstas but it was quite unflattering.

our waiter was a complete dork. i think he was love stricken by whitney and her stunning sparkly pink mariners shirt.

some lady watched from the barstools. she and whitney quoted their favorite lines of the movie back and forth.

a clan of drunk alpha-males came in and just went ape shit in apreciation. quite apropriate, too. one of them stumbled in smoking his cigarte. it was classy.

a cop walked by and said "nice movie!" just like nepolean would have.

"what was your name?" the denny's mannager asked the cop.

the cop pointed at his name tag. and then he looked at it. he looked down at his own name tape. this is quite the silly gesture. like he's proud of his name tag. or maybe like he's pointing at his nipple and showing it off.

it was a nepolean dynomite moment.

romance, whitney

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