degree of seperation

Jun 22, 2005 16:43

so this is life
without a college education
it's rough
it's futile
every day is a new battle

i have three job leads. tully's, subway and buffalo exchange.

"are you hiring?" i'd ask employers.

"we are accepting applications," they'd say.

"no. i want to know if you are seriously hiring because i don't want to waste everybody's time. i don't want to waste the elbow grease trying to impress you with an application if you arn't even going to look at it."

"we are hiring," they'd finally confess.

and i'd give them an application only to come in the next day and find out that they've lost my application.

this is why i never get hired.

my dad woke me up thismorning with a phone call. he's still concerned about me. i sleep until noon every day and i think i'm just going to go back to bed in a bit because i can't stand the boredom of unemployment.

"i read in the newspaper today that uw isn't accepting any more transfer students," he said. "they only want students strait out of highschool."

stupid highschool students. fuck them and their overprivlaged underapreciating nonsense. fuck them sideways.

"maybe uw isn't the place for you, anyway," he said. "maybe we can look into sending you to a small school."

he listed off some catholic colleges i could go to. i don't know. i'm willing to give anything a shot and even if that means emersing myself in religious fanatics, i'm game. if there is one thing i'm always eager to do, it's be an outcast.

"i just want to get you out of the situation that you're in," he said. "you've been there long enough to learn what life is like without a college education and i think you're ready to move on."

whatever you say, pops. whatever you say.

i don't know how much longer i'm going to be here in seattle and honestly, i never intended on staying too long. maybe i will stay longer but honestly, i think i'm probably going to leave this town. i've been here for almost a year and that's the longest i feel comfortable staying in one place at any given time.

dad, school

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