the first kiss

Feb 15, 2005 14:02

why can’t I get just one kiss
why can’t I get just one kiss
believe me there’d be somethings that I wouldn’t miss
but I look at your pants and I need I need a kiss

working at the hyatt was worth it. i made over $50 in tips! and after work, i met with with becca at a bar in freemont. i got drunk of vodka tonic and sang my violent femmes song on the kareoke box. i had fun.

"okay, this vodka is going to hit me hard in about thirty minutes," i told becca as we were walking out the door. that's what i love about vodka. when it comes to alcohol, it's the gift that just keeps giving. it comes on slowly and i love the body high.

her room mate's name is danny, but i call him rachel. because that's how i know the dude. he intrudeced himself as rachel. i think he shares his true identity with me and me alone. or something. but as soon as we came back to the house, danny put on a record. it was exotic and sexy.

becca and i danced in the kitchen. sort of. i love throwing girls up against the wall and almost kissing them. breathing on their lips. kissing their neck, but not their lips. everything but the lips, actualy.

i drank water and she fed me herbal suplements to battle the impending morning hangover. she used a little eye dropper to put a red syrup under my tongue, but she missed and got it all over my chin. and she licked it off.

there is no such thing as a perfect kiss. that is why i waste time teasing with the idea and testing the waters.

and i can't help but to think something is lost in the first kiss. everything is beautiful before the first kiss because you can't take anything for granted. you're constantly wondering does she really like me or am i just crazy?

you'll go afew days without any proof of interest and you're entire emotional landscape is a desert. but then she says something or does something that just knocks you out. how she looks you in the eye while talking about making a grilled cheese. or how she reaches out and touches you while you're watching a movie.

no, i havn't kissed the girl yet. but somehow, i'm okay with that.

at some point, everything stopped. there is some kind of magic about going so far and stopping. there must always be something to desire. i believe it was cs lewis who said that to desire is to be full of joy. and i believe it.

i feel that a kiss is something that is less meaningful after it's been experienced. how rediculous is a kiss, anyway? to lock lips and to swap spit? i don't know. it's brilliant and it makes me feel great. but why? i don't care. it's fun.

but no kiss. i can wait. it's much more fun to want to kiss than it is to actualy kiss. is that somehow twisted? i don't know.

i went into becca's room when it was time to go to sleep but she kicked me out. this girl can be so seductive. i've already told you about those sultry eyes! but her modesty will knock you out, too.

i gave her a ride to work in the morning. she works at the k2 snowboard factory, putting the finnishing edge on snowboards.

i got lost comming home, but i didn't care. i called sam and talked about hanging out. and i called x about getting my paycheck.

actualy, i got my paycheck today. it's in the bank. it makes me happy to see money in the bank. it's a feeling paralell to making out. oh, yes. i'm turning into quite the strange cat.

thismorning, i noticed that the quarters were missing from my pocket. i wasn't quite satisfied until i found them. nobody noticed what happened, but i was laughing about it. and they noticed me laughing.

my grandfather used to be so stingy with money that he refused to send anything in the mail if he could deliver it in person for less money. that's how my family has the money it has now. from stingy business strategy. and real estate.

becca, drinking, romance

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