i'm so busy

Jan 28, 2004 19:39

so i'm online
and all backdated
isn't that great?

we do a lot of drills and it's been cutting into my personal time. total bummer. and we still have all our normal work to do, so i've been working past taps these past few days.

my personal business has picked up but the stress has been taking it's toll on me. i've screwed up some laundry and it's rather embarassing. i lost a guys uniforms. ack! i need to find them or i will die.

surprisingly enough, this doesn't slow down my business.

i bitched out sweeny for the last time yesterday. i went a little too far.

"why dont you just go to your rack and fuck off?" i told her (its not like she doesn't do that all the time anyway).

yeah. and it went downhill from there. i called her out on all her lies. she got so mad she almost hit me and started crying.

she is leaving laundry today to go back to her own division. there is much happiness and rejoicing.

the other day i hooked up a cullunary specialist with laundry and he hooked me up with some fancy civilian cheese cake. a whole fucking cake. it has this fruitcake base and eggnog creame. oh man i almost wet myself just sniffing it. eating it was another story.

everybody knows about lauren. they all ask. some people ask me to share. ohmygod they are pigs but they are so funny.

everybody email me at guercij@bataan.navy.mil because that's where it's at. totaly.

i wish i had more time to sit and compose a post properly but i don't...

whats new? nowland is actualy cool now. the guys in deck act like the miss me but i know its only because they want me to press their shit.

midterm exams came out. its kind of like midterm in school only its work? yeah. they said i need only minimal supervision and that my modivation is greatly dependant on my modivation for the rate (job). and i guess thats a fair evaluation. its fucking true. but it's not really what i want people to see. i want some good comment in there. it's so fucking neuteral and has some negative implications.

i'm going to see what i can do to change that before the real deal comes out in march.

there is a lot of talk about fraturnisation on the ship so lauren and i have to be careful (kick). and someone is probably reading this post and not really sensoring it, but judging me for it and stuff. it would be nice if thay guy reading this post would comment but he probably wont.

something like "hey! i get to read everybodies email and... as fun as it may sound the job actualy sucks."

i cussed out a second class petty officer the other day. she's always looking out for me and treating me like a child. example: she tries to excuse me from physical work because i have no upper boddy strength.

i told her "fuck that shit. i'm in the motherfucking deck department. i can handle my own and if i need something i speak up. so let me fucking do this shit because i can fucking do it. got it?"

yeah. she laughed. not the response i expected.

"i can't go back to my division a pussy can i?" i said.

"he said the p word! omg!" she squeled. dumb whore.

okay and then she was critisizing me later when she saw me with a shitload of laundry and asked if i was doing it all for free. as if i let people use me like that? whatever. its not her business anyway.

of course, lackey seems to think he can talk shit about me. hes like "sure you do a lot of other peoples laundry but do you do your normal job?" its not his place to say that. leave the critisism to my supervisor or someone who works with me. slut.

oh god that cheesecake was good.

lauren has natureal read hair but she bleeches it. i'm too lazy to make a poll, but quick now. if a girl has beautiful brassy red hair and she bleaches it, is that not a sin? i can understand darkening it or lightening it a bit so it isn't sooo red because red hair has to be just the right tint to be right. but yeah. its a sin.

i dig it. dig it.

lauren and i play this little game. we have thirty seconds to write and then we switch. together, we write some random ass stuff. then we do a doodle thing too. umm.. does that make sense? well she's so creative and thats so hot.

our music collection isn't hte same, but it comliments eachtoher. she has some death cab for cutie and mineral and boy sets fire and jets to brazil and i erally like this irish band called umm... the thrills. so jt: check them out mothafucka! dig it dig it

day in and day out we go thru the routines. i'm going crazy. i think.

and they're playing undercover brother in the background and the ship is rocking back and forth and it all feels so funny. whoa like man whoa!

and i got an email from sarah taht went like this:

hey josh! I love it here. I just got the letter you sent to my grandparents
house. I got to go, but feel free to write me. i have duty every 4 days.
this week my duty days fall on friday the 30th and then tuesday the third.
I'm not allowed to check email on duty days, but any other day is fine. My
roommate is a lot like me. She's great. Last weekend we went to the mall and
I ran into two people you went to school with in maryland. a short but
lighthearted guy named chris and a tall bald guy named byron. they
apparently are stationed at norfolk as JOs. My roommate and I hung out with
them all night, and then they dropped us off back at the base. They seem
really cool. I think that we're going to hang out with them again this

If you want to get in touch with me, my cell # is xxx-xxx-xxxx, I miss you
and hope that you still want to keep in touch.


i wrote back but didn't say anything abotu lauren... whatever. she'll probably read about it here.

lauren and i are like mormons. like a couple of kids kicking and squirming, supressing all those... umm yeah. you know what i mean? mormons.

im going crazy!

could someone check my hotmail? i mean just so that it doesn't shut down after thirty days. if you know my password and my login, just login and logout.

and sometimes i have email but i dont have internet? could someone give me their email adress so i could maybe email them my lj entries and then you guys could update for me? that would be sweet!

yeah. i'll go on forever like this.

deployment, lauren, kitty, the navy

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