weekend getaway

Nov 02, 2003 13:44

sometimes you need to get away
and stay away
from the places you are from

i met vleck (a fellow jo school droppout) at the mall because he wanted to hang out. actualy, we wanted me to come to his place and i denied him. i needed to shop in the mall.

oh my god what kind of freak have i become? i bought a shirt from ambercrombie & fitch and two shirts with a pair of pants from american eagle. i'm such a poser. but i look so sexy in my wrinkled super slim fit shirts and tattered slacks.

i met up with vleck and we went to chillies. i don't care for these sports bars. they are just too entertaining! the big screen tvs in your face and all the nick-nacks and loud music and stupid blonde uncouth waitresses that arn't even cute. the food sucks, too. it's baisicly mcdonnalds loaded up with spices so it's so spicey even the hardcore smokers that lost their sense of taste a million years ago can taste their food. everybody's drinking crappy domestic beer and...

well, i met up with cambell and his friend charlie greg(both fellow jo school droppouts). cambell recognised vleck right away and he greeted him with enthusiasm.

"cambell!" vleck shouted
"vleck! how are you?" he exclaimed
they exchanged manly embraces.
"so you don't remember me? i see how it is?" i spat (because i'm truly an ass-hole)
"hey guerci how are ya?"

the funny thing is, i couldn't remember cambell's name.

vleck wanted me to go home with him but i could see cambell was going to have more fun so cambell and i worked together to trick vleck into going home alone. we lied and we feel kind of guilty but sometimes you have to get rid of people because they'll either get you into trouble or annoy the fuck out of you. vleck falls into both catergories.

vleck said "i was thinking about getting a tattoo. on my left buttcheck i want garfield and on my right buttcheek i want papa smurf so when i clecnch my buttcheeks together it looks like they are giving eachother a high-five"

vleck said "watch this trick!" and he extinguished a cigarete on his tongue. it hurt like hell.

vleck said "so i was in a bar the other week and this guy comes in. he orders a round for everyone and seven shots for himself. he said it was his first blowjob in his entire life. he was twenty six and it was his first time. the bartender was blown away and happy for the man so he added an eighth shot for free. the man thanksed the bartender and said that would be enough to get the taste out of his mouth"

vleck lost his school because he got caught drinking underage. he was still underage and he was drinking with a fake id. we had to get rid of him because he was starting to get drunk off of his two caronas. he was hitting on ugly girls and grabbing people's nipples.

cambell lost his school because he can't annunciate his words correctly. no second chances.

greg lost his school because he failed features. he also had ssgt maxfield. no second chances.

vleck lost his school because he went to captains mast twice. he had plenty of second chances and he blew them all. now he's in deck department. it fits him well.

we got rid of vleck and met up with some old dinfos friends who have not lost their school. they are graduating soon. they went out to the bars as i crashed in their hotel in damneck, 20 minutes away from norfolk.

sarah is going to be in damneck for her IS school. i'm happy for her because it's a fine base. it has beachside property and it just so cool!

i ordered a pizza at midnight and drank half a beer and passed the fuck out. in the morning i felt so sick and i threw up. i'm not sure why. am i alergic to alcohol? or was it food poisining?

the next night i drank two beers and i feel fine. i don't know what it was.

we met up with gm2 weber (the lpo at the navy det dinfos) and went bowling. i didn't break 100 but my bowling is getting more consistant so i'm happy.

i like these people. i wish i was less anti-social. i really shut these people out when i was living at dinfos and i never did anything fun.

i listened to a guy as he talked on the phone with an x-girlfriend. he thanked her for all she showed him and how much happier he was doing and how he owed it all to her and he could do anything he wanted. i didn't really know the guy when i was at dinfos with him but i saw him everyday and i could see the difference in him. he was an inspiring personality.

there is a slot open on my ship for a journalist and i already know the guy that's going to fill it. we was in the brother division in bootcamp.

now i'm hungry and need something to eat.

kitty, the navy

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